1999 Thomas Parke Hughes
Industrial Revolutions: From Canal Systems to Computer Networks
Thomas Parke Hughes, Mellon Professor Emeritus of the History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, and Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and Stanford University, is an internationally recognized author and lecturer on the history of modern technology, science and culture.
His most recent publications include Rescuing Prometheus; Lewis Mumford: Public Intellectual; and American Genesis, a Pulitzer Prized finalist. Professor Hughes is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a recipient of the Leonardo da Vinci Medal of the Society for the History of Technology.
* Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
* John Desmond Bernal Award, Society for the Social Studies of Science
* Former Distinguished Visiting Professor, New School for Social Research
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