Brave Cowboy
An Edward Abbey Retrospective
Curated by Luise Poulton, 2012
Exhibition poster designed by David Wolske, 2012
Digital exhibition produced by Alison Elbrader, 2013
Format updated by Lyuba Basin, 2020
Brave Cowboy: An Edward Abbey Retrospective
Selections from the Rare Book Collections
American novelist and author Edward Abbey (1927–1989) became an icon for grassroots activism. In the 1970s, after The Monkey Wrench Gang was published, he gained near-cult status in the American West environmentalist movement. Others would find much to disdain in his philosophy. This exhibition highlights the work of Edward Abbey, from an early post-war story (1947) to his novels, short stories, and essays throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. The Special Collections Department of the J. Willard Marriott Library thanks Eric Hvolboll for his generous donation of his collection of Edward Abbey’s writings.
1947 “The Indiana GI writes, 1946-1947: a collection of essays, short stories, and sketches produced in English composition courses by students who have recently served with the armed forces of the United States.” Indiana, PA: English Department, State Teachers College, 1947. xPS571 I6 I57 1947.
1954 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Jonathan Troy. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, c1954. xPS3551 B2 J6 1954. [Edition of five thousand copies. Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1956 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). The brave cowboy: an old tale in a new time. New York: Dodd, Mead, c1956. xPS3551 B2 B67 1956. Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). The brave cowboy. New York: Pocket Books, 1957. xPS3551 B2 B67 1957. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
1957 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). The brave cowboy: an old tale in a new time. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1957. xPS3551 B2 B67 1957a. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). The brave cowboy. London: Western Book Club, 1957? xPS3551 B2 B72 1957b.
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). “Underground in America.” Urbana, IL: Dept. of English, University of Illinois, c1957. xPS3551 B2 U6 1957. [Short story by Edward Abbey which appeared in Accent: A Quarterly of New Literature, Winter 1957. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1960 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). “Amador.” Denver, CO: Inter American University, 1960. xPS3551 B2 A73 1960. [Short story by Edward Abbey which appeared in Between Worlds: An International Magazine of Creativity, vol. 1, no. 1, Summer 1960. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1962 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Fire on the mountain. New York: Dial Press, c1962. xPS3551 B2 F5 1962a. [Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Fire on the mountain. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, c1962. xPS3551 B2 F5 1962. [Reprint of the edition published by Dial Press, with an introduction by Gerald Haslam. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Lonely are the brave. Los Angeles, CA: Universal Pictures Company, Inc., c1962. xPN1997 L66113 1962.
1963 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Fire on the mountain. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963. xPS3551 B2 F5 1963. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
1967 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). “Sunflowers.” Silver City, NM: Western New Mexico University, c1967. xPS3551 B2 S8 1967. [Excerpt from Western Review: A Journal of the Humanities, vol. 4, no. 1, Summer 1967. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1968 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Desert solitaire: a season in the wilderness. New York: McGraw-Hill, c1968. First edition. xPS3551 B2 Z5 1968. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
1969 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). “Escalante canyon: a walk through a stream-sculptured wilderness in the desert of southern Utah.” New York, NY: American Museum of Natural History, c1969. xF832 E83 A23 1969. [Article from Natural History, vol. 78, no. 9, November 1969. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1970 Porter, Eliot (1901–1990). Appalachian wilderness: the Great Smokey Mountains. New York: Dutton, 1970. First edition. xF106 P86 1970. [Essay by Edward Abbey. Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1971 Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Black sun: a novel. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. xPS3551 B2 B53. [Signed by Mildred Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Black sun: a novel. New York: Simon and Schuster, c1971. xPS3551 B2 B56 1971b. [Advance uncorrected proofs from Simon and Schuster, c1971. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). The brave cowboy: an old tale in a new time. New York: Ballantine Books, 1971, c1956. xPS3551 B2 B67 1971. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
Abbey, Edward (1927–1968). Desert solitaire. New York: Ballantine Books, 1971, c1968. xPS3551 B2 Z463 1971. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.
Abbey, Edward (1927–1989). Slickrock: the canyon country of southeast Utah. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club, 1971. xF830 A62 1971. [Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Man and the great reef. New York, NY: National Audubon Society, c1972 xQH197 A23 1972 [Article from Audubon, vol. 74, no. 1, January 1972. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). This antique and empty land. Los Angeles, CA: Knapp Communications Corporation, c1984 xPS3551 B2 Z475 1984 [Article from Geo, vol. 6, April 1984. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Big Bend: desert rough and tumble. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, c1985 xF392 R5 A23 1985 [Article from National Geographic Traveler, vol. 2, no. 34, Autumn 1985. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The monkey wrench gang. Salt Lake City: Dream Garden Press, 1985 Tenth Anniversary edition xPS3551 B2 M6 1985 [Signed by Edward Abbey and R. Crumb. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Foreman, Dave, ed. Ecodefense: a field guide to monkeywrenching. Tucson, AZ: Earth First! Books, 1985 xPS3551 B2 M602 1985 [Forward [sic] by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). “Art: ceremonies in the sand: painting the myths and legends of the Navajo.” Los Angeles, CA: Architectural Digest Publishing Corp., c1986 xE99 N3 A18 1986 [Article from Architectural Digest, vol. 43, no. 3, March 1986. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Confessions of a barbarian. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1986 xPS3551 B2 C6 1986 [Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Die universal-schraubenschlussel-bande. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rosohit, c1987 xPS3551 B2 M615 1987 [Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). “Abbey interrogates Abbey: an exercise in existential angst.” Sausalito, CA: Point, c1988 xPS3551 B2 Z4618 1988 [Article from Whole Earth Review, 20th Anniversary issue, no. 61, Winter 1988. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Desert solitaire. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c1988 xPS3551 B2 Z463 1988 [Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The fool’s progress: an honest novel. New York: Holt, c1988 First edition xPS3551 B2 F6 1988 [Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvoboll .]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The fool’s progress: a novel. New York: Holt, c1988 xPS3551 B2 F6 1988a [Uncorrected proof. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The monkey wrench gang. Newport Beach, CA: Books on Tape, 1988 Special library edition xPS3551 B2 M6 1988 [Read by Paul Shay. Eleven sound cassettes, ca. 17 hours.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). One life at a time, please. New York: Holt, c1988 First edition xPS3551 B2 Z47 1988 [Signed by Edward Abbey. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). One life at a time, please. New York: Holt, c1988 xPS3551 B2 Z47 1988a [Uncorrected proof. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
1989 Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The fool’s progress. London: Bodley Head, 1989 xPS3551 B2 F6 1989 [Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The fool’s progress: an honest novel. London: Bodley Head, 1989 xPS3551 B2 F6 12989a [Uncorrected proof. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Hayduke lives!: a novel. Boston: Little Brown, c1989 xPS3551 B2 H39 1989a [Uncorrected proof. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The river of no return. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, c1989 xF752 S35 A23 1989 [Article from National Geographic Traveler, vol. 6, no. 4, July/August 1989. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). A voice crying in the wilderness. New York: St. Martin’s Press, c1989 xPS3551 B2 V6 1989 [Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). A voice crying in the wilderness: notes from a secret journal. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989? xPS3551 B2 V6 1989b [Uncorrected proof. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Vox clamantis in deserto: some notes from a secret journal. Santa Fe: Rydal Press, 1989 xPS3551 B2 V6 1989 [Edition of two hundred and fifty copies, 25 of which are lettered and reserved for the author, 225 of which are numbered and for sale. University of Utah copy is no. 44.]
1990 Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Black sun. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, c1990 xPS3551 B2 B56 1990 [Contains a tribute by Charles Bowden. Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). Hayduke lives!: a novel. Boston: Little, Brown, c1990 First edition xPS3551 B2 H39 1990 [Gift of Eric Hvoboll.]
Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The monkey wrench gang. Salt Lake City, UT: Dream Garden Press, 1990 xPS3551 B2 M6 1990 [Illustrated with R. Crumb’s illustrations from the 1987 Dream Garden Press edition, with drawings not in the previous edition and photographs of Edward Abbey and R. Crumb in Arches National Park. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1992 Lonely are the brave. Universal City, CA: MCA Home Video, 1992, c1962 xPN1997 L661 1992 [Videocassette release of the 1962 motion picture by Universal Pictures Company, Inc. and Joel Production, Inc. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
Douglas, Kirk (b. 1916). Kirk Douglas writes to Gary Cooper: A letter, May 4, 1961. Santa Barbara: Santa Teresa Press, 1992 xPN2287 D54 A4 1992 [Edition of five hundred copies. Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
1993 Abbey, Edward (1927-1989). The brave cowboy: an old tale in a new time. Salt Lake City: Dream Garden Press; Santa Barbara: Santa Teresa Press, 1993 xPS3551 B2 B7 1993 [Edition of five hundred copies, signed by Kirk Douglas. University of Utah copy is lettered ‘N.’ Gift of Eric Hvolboll.]
2012 March 2
Luise Poulton