Library Policies

Patron Policies & Responsibilities

Marriott Library users play an important role in creating a positive quality of life and experience in the library. Please help us make the library an enjoyable and productive place for all users.

Current University of Utah students, faculty, and employees have priority in the use of library resources, services, and facilities any time the building is scheduled to be open. After 8:00pm, access is limited to current students, faculty, and employees by using their UCard at the public entrances. Library employees may ask patrons for a current UCard and public visitors may be asked to leave the building. Public visitors who are not actively using library resources, computers or wireless Internet, library services, or collections may be asked to leave the library at any time.  

The Marriott Library prohibits activities that present health or security risks, damage library resources, disrupt the normal flow of library operations, or are illegal. All patrons, including public visitors, are expected to be familiar with and abide by all library and University policies. Students must also comply with the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

  • Personal belongings should not be left unattended at any time. If you notice items left unattended, immediately turn them in at the Lost and Found located at the Level 1 Library Information Desk near the West Entrance.
  • Library employees cannot watch or hold personal items for patrons.  
  • Any behaviors that threaten the safety of library staff and/or patrons or otherwise disrupt the peaceful use of the library are prohibited and should be immediately reported to a library employee. Such behaviors include but are not limited to:
    • Theft of any kind regardless of value;
    • Sexual Misconduct prohibited by University Policy 1-012;
    • Fighting or assaulting library employees or other library users;
    • Harassing or threatening library employees or other library users;
    • Verbal abuse, shouting, loud talking, unwelcome or uninvited interactions, running, prolonged sleeping, or any other activity that might disturb the concentration of others. 
    • Manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, and/or using a controlled substance or alcohol prohibited by University Policy 1-011 and/or state law;
    • Possession or use of a firearm except as expressly permitted by state law;
    • Possession or use of any other dangerous weapon, incendiary device, explosive, or chemical, unless such possession or use has been authorized by the University;
    • Buying or selling of goods or services, panhandling, and soliciting donations within the library, unless with expressed permission from Library Administration and/or Library Operations & Facilities Management.  
    • Gambling, (including illegal raffles) in violation of Utah state law.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, roller-skates, and similar wheeled devices are not allowed inside the building, in exterior courtyard spaces, or at entrances as outlined in University Policy 3-232
  • Room capacities must be observed and will be enforced. 
  • Library entrances, exits, corridors, hallways, and stairwells must be kept unobstructed at all times. 
  • Tampering with life-safety equipment or engaging in behavior that constitutes a fire hazard is prohibited. 
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for their children's safety and behavior. Children under 12 must be supervised at all times by the parent/guardian or by another adult designated by the parent/guardian to supervise their minor child. Library employees cannot oversee unescorted or unsupervised children, nor be responsible for their safety. If an unsupervised child comes to the attention of a library employee, University of Utah Police will be contacted.
  • Library users should stay home if they are sick and engage with online services and resources. 
  • Library users determined to pose a sanitary or health risk to others may be asked to leave the building. Users having offensive body odor or personal hygiene that unreasonably interferes with other patrons’ ability to use the library may be asked to leave the building.
  • Bringing bedding or excessive amounts of personal property and other large items into the library is prohibited and personal property must be kept in closed containers.

  • Theft, vandalism, graffiti, and other intentional tampering with or damage to library property, collections, and exhibits are criminal activities punishable by law.
  • Respect designated food and drink policies on all levels.
  • Library equipment and collections should be used with care. Library employees should be alerted to missing or damaged items in collections and other materials.
  • Study spaces and classrooms are for the use of the University community. Be respectful of others and remember the rooms are not sound-proof.
  • Patrons are expected to follow the Borrower's Responsibilities when using library material.
  • Library materials should be checked out prior to leaving the building.
  • Concealing library materials in the library for the exclusive use of an individual or group is not allowed.
  • Service animals actively assisting persons with disabilities are allowed in the library as outlined in University Policy 3-231.  Otherwise, animals are not allowed in the library.
  • Smoking and the use of tobacco and electronic cigarettes is prohibited as outlined in University Rule R3-300A and the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act.   
  • Improperly using library restrooms, including bathing, shaving, food preparation, doing laundry, and washing hair, dishes, utensils, or any other misuse of restroom facilities is prohibited.  
  • Printed promotional material may be displayed only in designated areas and must be approved by the University as outlined in University Policy 1-007.  
  • Filming and photography is permitted if it represents an academic or University purpose. Otherwise filming and photography is not permitted unless with the expressed permission from the Library’s Marketing & Public Relations department.  
  • Entering restricted areas of the library or remaining in the building after closing is prohibited and is punishable by law.  

  • Show respect and courtesy for other library users and library employees. 
  • Cell phone conversations should be conducted in areas such as lobbies where disturbance is minimized, and outside of quiet or silent study areas. Please be thoughtful of the volume of your conversations whether in person or on a cell phone.
  • The library’s public announcement system cannot be used to page library patrons or children.  
  • Return borrowed materials on time, unmarked, and undamaged.
  • Respect designated “Silent,” “Quiet,” “Group," and “Active Study” areas. 
  • Be aware that some material available on the Web could be offensive to other library users; be considerate of those around you when viewing Web sites in public computer areas as outlined in the Marriott Library Computer Policy and University Policy 4-002.
  • Respect posted time limits and use restrictions on computers in public areas.
  • Passing petitions, conducting surveys, distributing pamphlets or other materials directly or indirectly to library patrons or employees must not disrupt the functioning of the library or otherwise interfere with the rights of patrons to do their work uninterrupted. 

Conduct and Access Information

Library employees and administration reserve the right to enforce these guidelines consistent with State law and University policy, including the University of Utah Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The library reserves the right to refuse access and borrowing privileges to any person who fails to observe library regulations. Disobeying the reasonable direction of a library employee may result in the dismissal of any patron from the library.

Library employees reserve the right to ask users for identification when using library or university property. Violation of any of these policies will result in a warning and/or expulsion from the library. Any patron, including public visitors, who violates these rules may be disciplined in accordance with applicable university policies and procedures. Patrons who violate these rules may also be subject to criminal sanctions and penalties, and may be removed from the university pursuant to the Utah Criminal Code 76-8-701 to 717 and Utah Rule 805-4.

Patrons who exhibit a pattern of offensive or disruptive behavior may be denied access to the library for a period of time determined by the library. Any visitor not complying promptly with such requests or orders will be liable for the legal consequences of such non-compliance, including arrest and punishment for trespass and disorderly conduct. University of Utah Police will be contacted when necessary. 


Reviewed by Marriott Library Research & Information Services Forum - March 6th, 2014
Reviewed by Marriott Library Outreach & User Services Council - March 17th, 2014
Reviewed by Marriott Library Advisory Committee - April 10th, 2014
Approved by University Legal Counsel - April 28th, 2014
Revised and approved by Marriott Library Executive Committee - February 23rd, 2015
Reviewed by University Legal Counsel – May 11, 2021
Revised and approved by Marriott Library Executive Committee – June 28, 2021
Revised and approved by Marriott Library Executive Committee – August 26, 2022
Reviewed by University General Counsel - March 2023
Revised and approved by Marriott Library Executive Committee - March 2023
Reviewed by University Department of Public Safety - April 2023

Patron’s Needs are the Focus of Each Person’s Efforts

Faculty and students must be allowed open discourse and access to resources in order to achieve understanding, learning, and the advancement of knowledge. We will strive to build wide-ranging collections, protect the privacy of library users in their pursuit of information, and ensure the confidentiality of their library activities and records.

A good guide for this is to treat others in the ways we would like to be treated. By concentrating on the needs of users and coworkers and genuinely caring about their well-being, we demonstrate that we hold other human beings in high regard. Our collaborations should not harm anyone's self-esteem, but rather engender a positive personal interaction.

Users have repeatedly told us that the quality and success of their library experiences depend on their interactions with librarians and staff. By being poised and ready to interact with users, establishing initial eye contact, and greeting people with an open facial expression and body language, you convey readiness and willingness to provide service. Each one of us represents the Marriott Library and the University of Utah in our work.

Service is affected by how well people are trained to do their jobs and how much they know about the workings of their department and the library as a whole. Ongoing training should prepare the staff to do their work effectively. It should also include fundamentals about our library and the campus, such as where collections are located, how call numbers work, how to use the catalog, and what services we offer. Each person should understand the service implications of his or her work.

Careful listening is an essential component of effective communication and problem-solving. With co-workers and library users, try to understand the other person's perspective and what is really being said. By asking questions and restating what you've heard, you have a better chance of getting to the real meaning of a person's communication with you.

Libraries ensure free speech, individual enrichment, learning, and expansion of knowledge. Our users should feel comfortable asking any question. While we will not always be able to fulfill every question or need, we should not in any way judge the worthiness of a question or its subject matter. When necessary, we should explain limitations of staffing or resources that make it impossible to completely satisfy a user need.

The individuality of the library's users make it impossible to handle each patron encounter in the same way. The key to undertaking a successful resolution for each patron encounter is to skillfully negotiate what the patron needs and to translate that need into providing the appropriate library response. Take into consideration the individual asking the question. Don't rely on a standard response, but customize to meet the individual person and circumstances. Be willing to consult with colleagues if unsure on the correct way to meet the patron's request. While it is our aim to teach users to become self-sufficient in using the library, sometimes the best solution is to provide them with the information they need rather than instructing them on how to do it.

The efforts of an entire library staff are needed to satisfy an individual user's needs. Just as the quality of service of any member of a unit reflects on the unit as a whole, the work of each unit in the library reflects on the library as a whole. By helping a library co-worker meet a user's need, you are contributing to the overall mission, vision, and values of the library. This can happen through accurate and efficient technical processing and shelving on a routine basis; and it can happen in response to specific requests at public service desks. In each case, we support the campus community by supporting each other. By working together, we all succeed.

Everyone should constructively challenge procedures, policies, and other barriers to information access, services, and use of facilities. The organizational need for such things as maintenance, processing, and statistics gathering should not unduly impede access to collections, information or information technology. To this end, we strive to enhance user access, improve operational procedures, minimize periods of limited or no access, and when limitations are necessary, explain the limiting condition with kindness and grace.

Libraries, because of their complexity, are prone to have numerous and varied problems that can impact service to users. These problems exist when there is a difference between the way things are and the way someone wants them to be. By gathering information about the problem and analyzing it while focusing on its resolution, positive steps can be taken to resolve mistakes and problems and avoid repetition in the future.

Needs of users can frequently "fall between the cracks" in a large organization. By asking our library users if they received the information or assistance they needed, you can ensure that their experiences in the library are successful. Following through on a user-related issue and getting it resolved can help everyone improve the quality of the service we provide. Do not blindly refer patrons to another library service point unless you are certain that they are able to provide the proper solution to the patron's need. Call ahead and confirm with that library unit if you are unsure about making a referral.

The library is an essential part of the teaching and research mission of the University. We want students to excel and become effective library users who recognize libraries as resources to support life long learning. We strive to organize and design a library facility that meets the varied teaching and learning needs of faculty and students.

University of Utah Student Computing Facilities

Acceptable Use Policy

I. Introduction

The University of Utah Student Computing Labs are intended to be used for educational purposes and the legitimate business of the University in a manner consistent with the public trust.

This policy establishes guidelines for appropriate use of student-fee funded Student Computing Facilities.

II. References

University of Utah Policy and Procedures:

Information Resources Policy 
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment 
Required Professional Boundaries in Relationships 
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities 
Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 
Staff Disciplinary Actions and Dismissal

III. Access to Student Computing Labs

  • Student computing labs are funded primarily from student computing fees and are for the use of University of Utah students, faculty and staff. Others may use these labs as participants in University sponsored activities. Labs may develop procedures to issue temporary passes to participants in University sponsored activities.
  • Individuals using the facilities may be asked to verify their University status by showing a University ID or by logging into computer systems. Individuals not authorized to use the facility may be required to leave.
  • Computer Accounts are assigned to control access to some computing resources.
  1. Users are responsible for all uses of the Computer Account. User IDs and passwords must not be shared with other users. Users must log out at the end of each session.
  2. Knowingly using a Computer Account assigned to another person is a violation of University policy.

IV. Use of Student Computing Labs

  • Appropriate use of computing resources, which are supported by student fees, include academic study, instruction, and independent study or research. University related work by departments and recognized student and campus organizations of the University are acceptable.
  • Inappropriate uses include interfering with the work of others, wasting resources, using the resource for private economic purposes, gambling, and any activities that involve the violation of state or federal laws and University policies and procedures. During peak times when computer workstations are in demand, recreational use such as playing games may be disallowed.
  • The University of Utah endorses and promotes intellectual and academic freedom principles and encourages access to information. While users generally have the right to read and view materials of their choice, this right is balanced by the rights of others to work in a setting free of intimidation, harassment, or hostility. Child pornography and obscenity are illegal. Activities that create a hostile and/or intimidating environment for others are prohibited under University of Utah Policy and Procedure 2-6A and 2-32.

V. Academic Environment

  • Users are expected to respect the rights of other users to create an environment suitable to academic pursuits. The following activities are prohibited.
  1. Activities that disrupt the work of others, including but not limited to unnecessary noise.
  2. Activities that encroach on others' legitimate expectations of privacy.
  • Users are expected to behave in ways that enhance the environment for others and promote the reliable operation of laboratory computer systems.
  1. Eating or drinking in the labs is prohibited.
  2. Users must cooperate with the staff of the computing facility and behave in a respectful manner to them.
  3. Users must not abuse laboratory computer systems or other equipment.
  4. Users should report problems with computer lab equipment.
  • Parents are responsible for their minor children's behavior, safety, and the content of information resources viewed or accessed by them in University facilities. Children who are not University of Utah students or participants in University sponsored activities must not be allowed to use lab systems or interfere with the work of others. Children must not be left unattended in lab facilities.

VI. Copyright Protection

Users must not make or use illegal copies of copyrighted or patented materials, information, or software, or to store such copies on University systems, or to transmit such information and software over University Networks.

Almost all forms of original expression that are fixed in a tangible medium are subject to copyright protection, even if no formal copyright notice is attached. Written text, video, recorded sound, digital images, and computer software are some examples of works that are usually copyrighted.

For more information regarding copyrights please refer to the following site:

VII. Use of Student Computing Lab Hardward and Software

  • Some lab systems are configured for specific applications such as image scanning, video editing, teleconferencing, or similar purposes. Users who require the specific resources provided by these systems have priority.
  • Users are required to use the lab computer in a manner that does not have a detrimental impact on the stability and functionality of the systems or networks. The following activities are specifically prohibited.
  1. Changing system or software configurations
  2. Installing any software without prior permission from lab staff.
  3. Disconnecting hardware, installing hardware, or changing hardware configurations.
  4. Engaging in any activity intended to compromise system security, compromise the privacy of other users, or obstruct the work of others. This includes but is not limited to port scanning, network sniffing, keystroke logging, using remote control software, password cracking, and similar activities.
  5. Using lab systems to attack, interfere with the proper operation of, or compromise the security of other computer or network systems.
  6. Using lab systems to send forged e-mail, send bulk mail, send unsolicited commercial e-mail, or to fraudulently misrepresent the user's identity in any communication.
  7. Using lab systems to initiate any communication intended to intimidate, coerce, harass, or threaten others.
  8. Using lab systems to distribute or develop viruses, worms, or similar software.
  9. Illegally sharing copyrighted materials with others.
  10. Installing any server software such as FTP, telnet/ssh, Web, SMTP, file sharing, and game servers. This includes but is not limited to "peer to peer" file sharing software such as KaZaA, Gnutella, or similar programs.
  11. Some labs permit attachment of FireWire and USB devices such as cameras and camcorders for course-related work. Other labs impose more restrictive rules. Check with laboratory staff for specific information regarding these uses.
  • Laptops may only be connected to network jacks specifically provided for this purpose. Disconnecting lab systems to connect laptop computers is prohibited. Connecting laptops to unused network jacks is also prohibited. All use of laptops in University computing facilities is governed by University policies and state and federal law.

VIII. Policy Enforcement

A violation of the provisions of this policy may result in the withdrawal of access and may subject the user to disciplinary action or academic sanctions consistent with University policies and procedures.

All criminal activities will be referred to University Police, State and/or Federal agencies.

Rev. 7/26/02

Reviewed by University of Utah Office of Legal Counsel July, 2002.

Labs Policy (PDF)

Marriott Library Use Policy

The library supports the teaching, research, and learning mission of the University of Utah by providing open access to the broadest possible range of ideas, opinions, and knowledge. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, and Freedom to Read Statement, and the university's principles of academic freedom provide the foundation for building research library collections, offering services, and promoting access to materials.

The University of Utah makes available information resources that may be used by University students, faculty, staff, and others. The University of Utah Information Resources Policy (PPM1-15) states that these resources are intended to be used for educational purposes and the legitimate business of the University and in a manner consistent with the public trust. Appropriate use of these resources includes instruction, independent study, continuing education, authorized research, independent research, and the official work of the offices, departments, and recognized student and campus organizations of the University.

Inappropriate uses include interfering with the work of others, wasting resources, using the resources for private economic purposes, gambling, and any activities that include the violation of state or federal laws and University policies and procedures. Obscenity and child pornography are prohibited by law.

The Marriott Library endorses and promotes the principles of intellectual and academic freedom and does not restrict access to information. These important freedoms come with important responsibilities. Users of library computer workstations should be aware that some information resources, including sites on the Web, could be offensive to other library users. Be considerate of those around you when viewing materials in public computer areas. While you generally have the right to look at whatever you choose to view, this right is balanced by the rights of others to work in a setting free of intimidation, harassment or hostility.

Users must be considerate in their use of shared resources and refrain from monopolizing equipment. During peak times when computer workstations are in demand, recreational use such as playing games will be disallowed. When people are waiting for access to a computer, reasonable time limits will be imposed.

The privacy rights of other library users should be respected. Parents are responsible for determining whether content of electronic resources is appropriate for children and youth, for controlling their use of these resources, and for their children's safety and behavior in the library. Use must be in compliance with state and federal laws and University of Utah policies and procedures. Violation of the provisions of this policy may result in the withdrawal of access and may subject the user to disciplinary action or academic sanctions consistent with University policies and procedures. Users who are not faculty, staff or students may have their access to information resources unilaterally revoked if they violate this policy.

References: Information Resources Policy, University of Utah Policy and Procedure Manual 1-15; Marriott Library User Responsibilities. Reviewed by the U of Utah Office of General Counsel, April 2004.

Guest Passes

Computers Policy (PDF)

Collection Development Policy

What this Policy Covers

This statement summarizes the practices and policies of the J. Willard Marriott Library in building and maintaining general collections. It makes reference to several documents that describe these policies and practices in greater detail.

General collections are those publicly accessible materials that can be checked out by library users, as well as online digital documents that are licensed for use by the University community. Collections designated as Special Collections (rare, unique, archival materials, and specific subject-oriented collections) are handled according to different criteria and policies, and are not addressed in this document. However, if items in the general collections are found to be rare or unique, or for any other reason require special care and protection, they are usually transferred to Special Collections.

With few exceptions, Marriott Library general collections are made available to the broader Utah community and other members of the public who come into the physical library building. Digital licensing generally places more restrictive conditions on remote access.

Approved by the Dean and University Librarian December 9, 2015

The primary purpose of the Marriott Library's general collections—in all formats—is to support the teaching, learning, and research activities of University of Utah faculty and staff (teaching and research) and students (graduate and undergraduate). In so doing, we strive constantly to balance the real and demonstrable needs of today's users with the likely needs of researchers and students in the future, while managing carefully our limited funding and space. The Marriott Library also recognizes its important role as the flagship library for the state of Utah and thus a source of research materials for other institutions in the state as well as in the region. In addition, the Marriott Library collections also support lifelong learning and independent research and study for the state of Utah and the region. Lastly, collections such as the Browsing Collection offer an attractive feature of the Library as Place. While embracing these roles, the library recognizes they are secondary to its main responsibility, which is to support the teaching and research mission of the University of Utah.

The Marriott Library uses several strategies to acquire materials for its general collections.

  1. Approval Plans: In collaboration with an academic book vendor, the Library maintains a profile that describes the characteristics of books that are likely to match the needs of University of Utah students, staff, and faculty. These books are sent to the library automatically.  Notification is sent to the Library for books that meet the criteria more loosely. Books that do not meet the criteria are not sent, nor is the Library notified about them.  Approval plans are subject to periodic review by Collection Management staff, in consultation with library liaisons, to assess effectiveness and relevance and to make adjustments as needed.
  2. Subscriptions and Standing Orders: A substantial portion of the library's materials budget is expended on scholarly and scientific journals to which the Library subscribes. Since subscriptions require an ongoing commitment of library funds, they are evaluated by Library committees, often in consultation with college faculty, before purchase. The Library also maintains a limited list of standing orders (open orders for books published in series). Many databases, electronic books, streamed films, and other types of material are also purchased by subscription. The process for adding and canceling subscriptions and standing orders includes periodic reviews to determine whether they continue to match the university's teaching and learning priorities. This process is further defined in the document titled "How Subscriptions Are Added and Canceled"
  3. Library Liaison Selection: Librarian liaisons are librarian subject specialists who are assigned to work with specific academic departments, institutes, and programs. Library liaisons are assigned responsibility for curating book collections in subject areas and are responsible for outreach to faculty, students and staff to identify collection priorities for the disciplines they represent.  Library liaisons work as members of College and Interdisciplinary Teams (CITs) to consider broader disciplinary and interdisciplinary information trends. In addition, liaisons consult regularly with University faculty and track changes in the curriculum to ensure selections support the University's academic mission. Journal and database cancellation decisions are always made in consultation with library liaisons and college faculty. Because subscriptions involve the commitment of funds on an ongoing basis, they are proposed by library liaisons, usually in collaboration with college faculty, to a library committee that evaluates the proposals against the current subscription list, canceling lower-priority subscriptions when necessary to make budgetary room for new and higher-priority ones.
  4. Patron-Driven Acquisition: The patron-driven model of acquisition is one by which the Library loads records for electronic books into its catalog for discovery by users, but the books are not acquired until they are used by patrons. The Marriott Library also solicits direct input from patrons via a Suggest a Purchase link on the library's main web page through which patrons can request that the Library purchase items in either print or online format. With rare exceptions, these items will be added to the collection. We respond to those requests according to a detailed set of guidelines (found at As another form of patron-driven acquisition used by the Marriott Library, many books requested via interlibrary loan are purchased rather than borrowed from other libraries.
  5. Gifts: Gift materials are occasionally accepted as additions to the general collection, according to the Library's Gifts Policy (found at Unless the library has made a specific agreement to the contrary with the donor, gifts become the property of the Marriott Library, and may be added to the collection, sold, or discarded.
  6. Depository Programs: As a selective regional government documents depository, the Marriott Library acquires many Utah state documents and selected documents from the federal government and other organizations through formal depository arrangements to ensure the public has access to these materials.

The general collection is a hybrid collection including print and digital materials, and Marriott Library collections encompass many formats. The Library recognizes that academic disciplines have different preferences with regard to formats.

In general, for books, an electronic format (e-book) is preferred to preserve shelf space, facilitate remote access and full-text searchability, and to support multi-media content; however, print books may be preferred for some teaching, learning or research needs.  Criteria for format selection are detailed in the library's "Principles and Guidelines Relating to Book Formats and Collection Development" document found at  

In general, most scholarly journals are purchased in online format. However, the Library continues to maintain a small number of print subscriptions, some of which are not available online and some in cases where the print version better meets the learning and research needs of the University.

The Library holds collections of multimedia materials such as films and sound recordings, some of which are held in physical collections and some of which are provided online.


Less frequently, the Library acquires other types of materials in physical and electronic formats, such as images or government documents. The Library also supports emerging forms of digital scholarship and data curation, and these may require new format policies to create manageable collections.

Although the Library collects materials primarily in the English language, it also endeavors to support the teaching of other languages taught at the University. When the Library acquires materials in languages in which Library staff are not proficient, it will outsource the processing of those materials to the degree necessary. Before materials in these languages are purchased, Collection Management staff will be consulted in order to determine the best strategies for acquiring and processing them.

The Marriott Library generally does not duplicate material, including material held by the Eccles or Quinney libraries. However, since content is not always the same when an item is reproduced in different formats, in some circumstances, the Library will add duplicates to the general collection. For example:

  • A library user may request a duplicate in a preferred alternative format to one already held by the Library. These requests are generally granted.
  • The Library may purchase online duplicates of print books in order to serve distance students.
  • The Library may purchase multiple copies of high-use books in one or more formats to serve different reading preferences, to meet the needs of classes, or when there is significant variation in content between formats.
  • The Library may acquire access to duplicates when the same item is provided by more than one subscription database or via multiple online providers. While this kind of duplication is not ideal, it cannot always be avoided.
  • The Special Collections of the Marriott Library include not only rare and unique books, but also books that are of regional interest. Many of these would fit well within the scope of the Library's general circulating collection and, for those titles, the Library may purchase or accept gift duplicates for the general collection.

A growing amount of high-quality scholarly material is available online at no charge. Some of these documents can be acquired by the Library, and others can often be incorporated into the Library's functional collections by means of links in the Library's catalog and web spaces. The policies and workflows governing such additions can be found in the Digital Materials Acquisitions Policy found at

For general collection titles, damaged items are reviewed by subject specialists who determine whether the book should be withdrawn or replaced. If replacement is deemed necessary, the subject specialist will determine if an exact replacement or an updated version or e-format version, if available, is needed. Occasionally, where the book continues to be needed and a suitable replacement is not available at less than the cost of local repair, the Library will elect to repair a damaged book. These decisions are made by Collection Management staff, in consultation with Library liaisons.

Preservation efforts primarily focus on rare and unique books held by Special Collections. The Wounded Books Protocol (found at describes how we diagnose, prioritize, and treat damaged books in the general collections in circumstances where repair has been deemed by Collection Management staff to be the appropriate course of action.

Retaining and protecting dust jackets preserves artwork and book and author information and also makes the collection more attractive and browsable for users. It also may serve a historical purpose for future researchers. For these reasons, books ordered through our vendors' shelf- ready programs will have Mylar-type coverings applied to dust jackets. Books ordered from other vendors that arrive with dust jackets will have Mylar-type covers applied in-house.

Items missing from the collection will be evaluated by Library liaisons who may, at their discretion, order an exact replacement, an updated version, or an e-format version, if available. Any items that are not replaced are withdrawn from the catalog.

A library collection is a living documentary body—items are added to it and taken out of it on an ongoing basis. Materials may be withdrawn from the collection because they are damaged and no longer needed, out of date, superseded by new editions, acquired in other formats, or little used. Items of importance to the core teaching and research mission of the University should not be weeded from the collection and should be replaced if lost or damaged.  Items received via depository agreements are subject to the requirements of those agreements. All materials will be made available for review by library liaisons and college faculty, before being withdrawn. Withdrawn materials will be handled in accordance to University policy and state laws.

CD Format Principles

Free Digital Resources

Gifts Policy

How Subscriptions are added and canceled

Suggest a Purchase Policy

Wounded Books Protocol