Fines & Fees Policy

  1. Purpose and Scope

    To outline and define the Fines and Fees policy for circulation of Marriott Library items.

  2. Definitions
    1. Fine: a monetary amount incurred for items that have been returned past their due date. Money collected as a fine is paid to the University of Utah, not to the Marriott Library.
    2. Lost Item Replacement Fee: a cost to replace lost items. Lost Item Replacement Fees reflect the actual or average cost of replacing particular items.
    3. Recall: a patron physical item request that is made on an item that is currently on loan to another library patron and truncates the loan period to be 14 days.
    4. Replacement Item: a well-cared-for item that has seen limited use and is complete, unmarked, and undamaged, but may show some limited signs of wear consistent with the item that is being replaced. The item must be capable of being circulated in the same way as the original item. In some cases, a newer edition or enhanced item would be acceptable.
    5. Damage: the intentional or neglectful misuse of library materials altering the condition of the material or rendering an item unusable for other patrons use. This includes, but is not limited to, water damage, mold, pest infestation, odor, burned, missing pages, broken, damaged by animals, or torn.
  3. Policies and Responsibilities
    1. Overdue Fines and Fees
      1. General Circulating Collection Books, Documents and Multimedia Materials:
        1. Patrons are charged a lost item replacement fee 14 days past the due date.
        2. Patrons may be charged up to the full lost item replacement fee for lost, stolen, or damaged items, or for items returned with components missing..
        3. Alternately, you may purchase a replacement for the item if it is in good condition and the same edition, or newer, as the lost item.
      2. Knowledge Commons Technology and Equipment:
        1. Patrons can be charged an overdue fine of up to $1.00 per day, up to $50.00.
          1. Overdue fines are assessed based on item replacement values.
        2. Patrons are charged a lost item replacement fee 3 or more days past the due date.
        3. Patrons may be charged up to the full lost item replacement fee for lost, stolen, or damaged items, or for items returned with components missing.
        4. Alternately, patrons may purchase a replacement for the item if it is in good condition and the same brand, model, and specifications as the lost item.
      3. Course Material:
        1. Patrons are charged a lost item replacement fee after 3 days past the due date.
        2. Patrons may be charged up to the full lost item replacement fee for lost, stolen, or damaged items, or for items returned with components missing.
        3. Alternately, you may purchase a replacement for the item if it is in good condition and the same edition, or newer, as the lost item.
      4. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Material:
        1. Patrons are charged a lost item replacement fee 14 days past the due date.
        2. Patrons may be charged up to the full lost item replacement fee for lost, stolen, or damaged items, or for items returned with components missing.
      5. Recalled Material:
        1. Patrons are charged a lost item replacement fee 3 days past recall due date.
        2. Alternately, you may purchase a replacement for the item if it is in good condition and the same edition, or newer, as the lost item.
    2. It is the responsibility of the borrower to note the time and date that their materials are due. Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive these notices does not remove the borrower's obligation to return material by the due date.
    3. Due dates for library material that fall during a library closure will be moved to the end of the next open library day.
    4. It is the responsibility of the borrower to note any existing damage to library material and bring it to the attention of a library employee as to not incur a fee.
    5. Fines and/or fees over $50.00 will result in a pause of borrowing privileges.
    6. The failure to resolve library fines and/or fees within 60 days may result in referral to the Dean of Students.
    7. The Library reserves the right to refuse access and borrowing privileges to any person who fails to observe the Marriott Library’s Borrowers Responsibilities and the Marriott Library’s Patron Policies & Responsibilities.
    8. Fees for library material may be paid at either the level 1 or level 3 Information desk or over the phone at 801-581-8558, at the Knowledge Commons desk or over the phone at 801-581-4808, or request to make payment online through the Marriott Library Borrowing webpage.
    9. ILL fees may be paid at either the level 1 or level 3 Information desk or over the phone at 801-581-8558, or over the phone with the ILL department at 801-581-8204, or request to make payment online through the Marriott Library Borrowing webpage.
    10. Fees for Marriott Library material may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Petition for exception, with compelling reason may be considered by the Marriott Library’s Circulation Manager, or their designee, by emailing
  4. Policy References
    1. Marriott Library Borrowers Responsibilities
    2. Marriott Library Patron Policies & Responsibilities
  5. Policy Owner
    1. Library Operations, Logistics & Facilities, Library Protection Services
  6. History
    1. Policy approved by:
      1. Executive Committee: March 25, 2019
      2. Updated July 1, 2021
      3. Updated March 28, 2022
      4. Updated April 22, 2024


Note: Policies should be reviewed at minimum every three (3) years.