guest passes

Public Computer Guest Passes

Frequently Asked Questions 

Visitors are welcome to use our resources.

Visitors may get a computer guest pass at the Level 1 Library Information Desk by showing a valid government-issued ID. The library offers two (2) different types of guest passes:

  • GP - Guest Pass
  • GX - Guest Pass Extended Pass

Guest Pass Computers are located on level 2 on the north side of the Knowledge Commons.

Yes. The University of Utah provides basic, unencrypted wireless internet access free to visitors to the University of Utah. 

How to connect to UGuest when on campus:

  • From your device, select the UGuest wireless network in your network settings.
  • A browser window will open for the UGuest web portal.
  • Select the link to receive an access code.
  • Enter your mobile device number.
  • An access code will be sent to your mobile device via SMS message.
  • Enter the access code and mobile phone number in the UGuest web portal.
  • Once connected, close your web browser and use the internet.
  • UGuest connection time is limited to seven days; after seven days, users must request a new access code. If your account already exists and you attempt to enter an unexpired code, you will be prompted to refer to your SMS history and re-enter the access code or call the UIT Help Desk at 801-581-4000 for assistance.
  • U resources that can be reached only from university IP space are not accessible on UGuest.

Yes. GP guest pass is only valid for two hours. GX guest pass is valid until 8:00 PM or 15 minutes prior to scheduled building closing time if the library closes before 8:00 PM.

Guest passes are available until 7:45pm or 15 minutes prior to scheduled building closing time if the library closes before 8:00pm. As noted in library policy, after 8:00pm, access is limited to current students, faculty, and employees by using their UCard at the public entrances. Library employees may ask patrons for a current UCard and public visitors may be asked to leave the building. Public visitors, who are not actively using library resources, computers or wireless Internet, library services, or collections, may be asked to leave the library at any time.

GX is an extended guest pass only available for patrons that meet one of the following criteria, verifying ID is required:

  • Government employee (Federal, state, local, county, or city)
  • Public or private Utah school teacher or administrator K-12 grade
  • Matriculated high school student (16 years and above unless with parental permission)
  • Marriott Library Expanded Permit Holders (annual fee $100)
  • University of Utah Alumni (graduated, earned degree)
  • Marriott Library Board (MLAB)
  • Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC) – student or employee
  • Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) member institutions – student or employee
  • Big-12 – student or employee

Patrons may receive one guest pass per day.

Yes, you can use the printers in the Knowledge Commons ( for a fee. You can pay for prints with a credit or debit card at the Level 2 Knowledge Commons desk.

Visitors have access to microfilm readers and large format scanners in the Knowledge Commons. 3D Printing is not available to visitors per library policy.

Public computers in the library are purchased with computing fees charged to students registered for classes at the University of Utah.

Yes. University of Utah faculty, staff, and students have first priority. You may be asked to leave your computer during periods of peak demand by a message that will be broadcast over the library’s public address system.

Use of guest passes is governed by state and federal law, the University of Utah Information Resources Policy (4-002) and the Marriott Library Computer Acceptable Use Policy. These resources are intended to be used for educational purposes and the legitimate business of the University and in a manner consistent with the public trust. Appropriate use includes instruction, independent study, continuing education, authorized research, independent research, and the official work of the offices, departments, and recognized student and campus organizations of the University. These policies prohibit the following:

  • Unauthorized recreational game playing
  • Commercial and other for-profit activities
  • Illegal sharing of copyrighted materials
  • Account sharing—only one user may use guest pass
  • Gambling
  • Obscenity and child pornography
  • Knowingly spreading worms or viruses, hacking, or engaging in any activity that interferes with the proper operation of University or other systems or networks. This includes the distribution of unsolicited, mass email.
  • Monopolizing information resources for personal entertainment

Due to the license agreements the Marriott Library has negotiated with vendors and publishers, most of the databases, online journals and electronic books offered by the library are only available to current University of Utah students, faculty, and other employees. Individuals who are not current students, faculty members, or otherwise employed by the University may secure access to some electronic resources if using a library computer while in the building.

In most cases, the majority of databases and ebooks do not require users to authenticate using a University Identification (uNID). However, there is some resources which require that users sign in to gain access. The login requirement is due to contractual agreements or security concerns. The resources listed below are only available to current University of Utah students, faculty, and staff and require users to always authenticate:

  • American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
  • Article Galaxy Scholar
  • ASM
  • CCC Get it Now
  • GDC Vault
  • IEEE Xplore
  • ILLiad - Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery
  • MarketsandMarkets
  • Mergent
  • New Play Exchange (NPX)
  • O'Reilly
  • Oxford University Press
  • PitchBook
  • PrivCo
  • Pro Sound Effects
  • ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Richard K. Miller & Associates (RKMA)
  • SciFinder-n
  • Swank Digital Campus
  • The New York Times
  • University of Chicago Press
  • UpToDate
  • Wiley
  • Wolters Kluwer Tax and Accounting


Note: Library employees and administration reserve the right to enforce these guidelines consistent with State law and University policy, including the University of Utah Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The library reserves the right to refuse access and borrowing privileges to any person who fails to observe library regulations. Disobeying the reasonable direction of a library employee may result in the dismissal of any patron from the library. Library employees reserve the right to ask users for identification when using library or university property. Violation of any of these policies will result in a warning and/or expulsion from the library. Any patron, including public visitors, who violate these rules, may be disciplined in accordance with applicable university policies and procedures.

Patrons who violate these rules may also be subject to criminal sanctions and penalties, and may be removed from the university pursuant to the Utah Criminal Code 76-8-701 to 717 and Utah Rule 805-4. Failure to follow state and federal law, the University of Utah Information Resources Policy (4-002) and the Marriott Library Computer Acceptable Use Policy may result in revocation of privileges. Patrons who exhibit a pattern of offensive or disruptive behavior may be denied access to the library for a period of time determined by the library. Any visitor not complying promptly with such requests or orders will be liable for the legal consequences of such non-compliance including arrest and punishment for trespass and disorderly conduct. University of Utah Police will be contacted when necessary. 

April 15, 2021