The Feminine Touch

Women and the Work of the Book

The Feminine Touch: Women and the Work of the Book Exhibit

Curated by Luise Poulton, 2009

Exhibition poster designed by David Wolske, 2009

Digital exhibition produced by Alison Elbrader, 2011

Format updated by Lyuba Basin, 2020

The Feminine Touch: Women and the Work of the Book

Selected from the Rare Book Collections

ca. 975 Beatus, Saint Presbyter of Liebana (d. 798). Comentario al apocalipsis. Milan: Edilan, 1975 xB2825 B43 1975

1509 Extravagantes communes. Catholic Church. Pope. Parisiis: Thielman Kerver, 1509 xPB1935 E85 1509 ARC

1520 Pittorio, Luigi Bigi called (ca. 1455 – ca. 1520). Lod. b. pictori hippolyta epigrammaton per... Venetis: per Georgium de Rusconibus, 1520 xPA8128 P57 1520

1551 Psalterium davidicum, cum aliquot canticis... Parisiis: Eroscinica libraria Jolande bohome, vidue spectabilis viri Thielmanni Kerver, M.D. lij [1551] xB51425 L3 1551

1543 Vitruvius, Pollo. M. vitruvii viri suae professionis peritissimi... Argentorati: in officina Knoblochiana per Georgium Machaeropoeium, 1543 First German edition xNA2515 V73 1543

1645 Cotton, John (1584 - 1652). The way of the churches of Christ in New England... London: printed by M. Simmons, 1645 xBV649 C67 1645

1647 Cotton, John (1584 - 1652). The bloody tenent. London: Printed by M. Symmons for H. Allen, 1647 xBV741 W58 C6

1654 Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645). The illustrious Hugo Grotius Of the law of warre and peace. With annotations. III. Parts. And memorials of the author's life and death.... London: Printed by T. Warren, for W. Lee, 1654. xJX2093 E5 1654

1657 Bacon, Francis (1561-1626). Resuscitatio... London: Printed by Sarah Griffin for W. Lee, 1657 First edition xB1155 1657 ARC

1659 Albemarle, George Monck, Duke of, 1608-1670. The speech and declaration of his excellency, the Lord Generall Monck. Delivered at White-hall upon Tuesday, the 21st of February 1659, to the members of Parliament at their meeting there, before the re-admission of the formerly secluded members into the Parliament House. London: Printed by S. Griffin for J. Playford, 1659

1676 Collings, John (1623-1690). The intercourses of divine love. London: A. Maxwell for Tho. Parkhurst, 1676 x BS1845 C65 1676

1678 Godwin, Thomas (1642). Moses and Aaron: civil and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient Hebrews... London: Printed for S. Griffin, R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, and R. Chiswel, 1678 Eleventh edition xBM700 G6 1678 [University of Utah copy is gift of Judaica Associates.]

1681 Bray, Thomas (1658 - 1730). The loyalty of the last long parliament. London: Printed for F. Smith, 1681 xJN203 1681 L7

1690 Locke, John (1632-1704). An essay concerning humane understanding. London: Printed by Elizabeth Holt for Thomas Basset, 1690 First edition, first issue xB1290 1690

1702 Whiting, John (1656 - 1722). Truth and innocency defended. London: Printed and sold by T. Sowle, 1702 xBX7636 B5 1703

1710 Saint Leger, John, Sir. The managers pro and con: or, An account of what is said at Child's and Tom's coffee-houses for and against Dr. Sacheverell. London: A. Baldwin, 1710 Third edition, corrected xDA497 S3 S2 1710

1711 Benson, William (1682-1754). A letter to Sir J--- B---, by birth a Swede, but naturaliz'd and a m----r of the present P---t: concerning the late Minehead doctrine which was established by a certain parliament of Sweden, to the utter enslaving of that Kingdom. London: A. Baldwin, 1711 Bound with Hare, Francis. The management of war. In a letter to a Tory-member. London: Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711 Fourth edition xD281 H37 [Bound with The Management of the War. In a Second Letter to a Tory-Member, 1711; The Negotiations for a Treaty of Peace, in 1709. Consider’d In a Third Letter to A Tory-Member, 1711; The Negotiations for a Treaty of Peace from The Breaking off of the Conferences at the Hague, to the End of those at Gertrydenberg, Consider’d In a Fourth Letter to a Tory-Member, 1711]

1711-12 Hare, Francis (1267-1740). The allies and the late ministry defended against France and the present friends of France. In answer to a pamphlet, intituled, The conduct of the allies. London: Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711-712 Second edition xDA503 1711 V5 [The conduct of the allies was written by Jonathan Swift (1667-1745).]

Tindal, Matthew (1653?-1733). The nation vindicated, from the aspersions cast on it in a late pamphlet, entituled, A representation of the present state of religion, with regard to the late excessive growth of infidelity, heresy and profaness, as it pass’d the Lower House of Convocation, Part II. With some remarks on the representation of the Irish Convocation. London: Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711-12 xDA496 1711 T56 v.2

1726 Penn, William (1644 - 1718). A collection of the works of William Penn. London: J. Sowle, 1726 xF152.2 P393

1751 Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717-1802). The scribleriad: an heroic poem. Book I. London: Printed for R. Dodsley and sold by M. Cooper, 1751 xPR3339 C125 S37 1751

1752 Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717-1802). A dialogue between a member of Parliament and his servant in imitation of the seventh satire of the second book of Horace. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, and sold by M. Cooper, 1752

1756 Burgh, James (1714-1775). Youth’s friendly monitor: being a set of directions, prudential,
moral, religious, and scientific…To which is prefixed an account of the extraordinary proceedings of some
persons, which occasioned the publication of this tract, contrary to the author’s original intention together with
Theophilus, a character worthy of imitation. By the author of Britain’s remembrance…London: Printed
for M. Cooper, 1756 xBJ1520 B87 1756

1817 Eaton, John Henry (1790-1856). The life of Andrew Jackson, major-general in the service of the United States... Philadelphia: Published by M. Carey and son. For the benefit of the children of John Reid. Lydia R. Bailey, printer, 1817 xE382 E11

1895 Lowell, James Russell. Last poems. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1895 xPS2310 A1 1895

1900 Hubbard, Elbert (1856-1915). So here then are the preachments entitled “The City of Tagaste” and “A Dream and a Prophecy”. East Aurora, NY: Roycroft Shop, 1900 xPS2042 C5 1900

Khayyam, Omar. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. East Aurora, NY: The Roycroft Shop, 1900 xPK6513 A1 1900

Morris, William (1834-1896). Pre-Raphaelite ballads. New York: A. Wessels Company, c1900 xPR5078 P6 1900

1901 Bacheller, Irving (1859-1950). The story of a passion. East Aurora, N.Y.: The Roycroft Shop, 1901 xPS1054 B3 S7 1901

1902 Morris, William. Sir Galahad, a Christmas mystery. New Rochelle, NY: The Elston Press, 1902 xPR5078 S4 1902

1907 Hichens, Robert Smythe (1864-1950). Barbary sheep: a novel. New York: Harper, 1907 xZ1221 V5 H522 1907

Van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933). Days off, and other digressions. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1907 xPS3117 D3 1907

1909 Reed, Myrtle (1874-1911). Old rose and silver. New York: Putnam’s, 1909 xPS3535 E3 O53 1909

1911 Van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933). Fisherman’s luck, and some other uncertain things. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1911 xPS3117 F58 1911

1915 Brewer, Luther Albertus (1858-1933). The fascination of prints. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Torch Press, 1915 xNE2135 B74 1915

1920 von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832). Faust. Tolz: Bremer Press, 1920 xPT1916 A1 1920

1924 Bosanquet, Theodora. Henry James at work. London: Printed and published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1924 xPS2123 B67 1924

1925 Aiken, Conrad (1889-1973). Selini: a biography. London: Published by L. and V. Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1925 xPS3501 I5 S4 1925

1926 Brewer, Luther Albertus (1858–1933). Marginalia. Cedar Rapids, IA: Priv. print. for the friends of Luther Albertus and Elinore Taylor Brewer, 1926 xPR4813 B73 1926

1928 Jeffers, Robinson (1887–1962). Roan stallion, tamar, and other poems. London: Leonard & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1928 xPS3519 E27 R63

1929 Aldington, Richard (1892–1962). The eaten heart. Chapelle-Reanville, Eure, France: The Hours Press, 1929 xPR6001 L4 E3 1929

1929 Jeffers, Robinson. Cawdor. London: L. & V. Woolf at Hogarth Press, 1929 xPS3519 E27 C35

1930 Aldington, Richard (1892–1962). Last straws. Paris: Hours Press, 1930 First edition xPR6001 L4 L3 1930

1930 Campbell, Roy (1901–1957). Poems. Paris: Hours Press, 1930 First edition xPR9369.3 C35 P59 1930

1931 Moore, George (1852–1933). The Talking Pine. Paris: Hours Press, 1931 First edition xPR5042 T3 1931

1934 Vesalius, Andreas (1514–1564). Icones anatomicae. Monachis: ex officina Bremseni, 1934 xQM25 V4 1934 oversize

1941 Trovillion, Violet (1890–). The Tussie mussies: a collection of flower and garden sentiments in prose and verse. Herrin, IL: Trovillion Private Press, 1941 Second edition, enlarged xPN6110 F6 T7 1941

1953 Balzac, Honore de (1799–1850). The hidden treasures: or, The adventures of Maitre Cornelius. Kentfield, CA: The L-D Allen Press, 1953 xZ232.5 A5 B35

1956 The noble knight Paris & the fair Vienna translate dought of Frensshe in to Englysshe by William Caxton... Kentfield, CA: The Allen Press, 1956 xZ232.5 A5 N63

1959 Raverat, Gwen (1885–1957). The Wood engravings of Gwen Raverat. London: Faber and Faber, 1959 First edition xNE1217 R3 A4 1959

1978 Schumann, Peter (1934–). St. Francis preaches to the birds. Newark, VT: Janus Press, 1978 xZ232.5 J36 S37 1978

1981 Roberts, Kate (1891–1985). Two old men and other stories. Newtown, Powys, Wales: Gwasg Gregynog, 1981 xPB2298 R63 A28 1981 ARC

1986 McGurk, Ruth. Bad changes. Oakland, CA: Peripatetic Press, 1986 xPS3563 A31145 B3 1986

1993 King, Susan Elizabeth (1947–). Queen of wands: a paper sculpture. Rosendale, NY: Women’s Studio Workshop; Santa Monica, CA: Paradise Press, 1993 xN7433.4 K5 Q84 1993

1996 McGurk, Ruth. Cannibal ants. Santa Cruz, CA: Peripatetic Press, 1996 xPS3563 A31145 C36 1996

1998 Raz, Hilda. Truly bone: poems. Rosendale, NY: Women’s Studio Workshop; Lincoln, NE: Blue Heron Press, 1998 xPS3568 A97 T78 1998

1998 Spencer, Lori. Shared memories. New York State: Women's Studio Workshop, 1998 xN7433.4 S691 S53 1998

2001 Diessner, Nancy W. Book of myths and fates. New York?: Women's Studio Workshop, 2001 xN7433.4 D535 B6 2001

2001 Saint Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179). Sanctae hildegardis circulus sapientiae (Circle of wisdom). Newark, VT: Janus Press, 2001 xZ232.5 J36 H55 2001

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