The Great War: Here and Over There

The Great War Exhibit 

Curated by Luise Poulton, 2014

Exhibition poster designed by David Wolske, 2014

Digital exhibition produced by Jon Bingham, with assistance from Scott Beadles, 2018

The Great War: Here and Over There

Selections from the Rare Book Collections

1909 Beal, Charles Edward (1869-1931). National peace congress: proceedings... Chicago: Peterson Linotype Co., 1909 xJX1932 1909

1914 King Albert’s book: a tribute... London: The Daily Telegraph, in conjunction with the Daily Sketch, and the Glasgow Herald, and Hodder and Stoughton, 1914 xD615 K5 1914

Princess Mary’s gift book. London; New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1914 First edition xAY14 P8 1914

The war illustrated: a pictorial record of the... London: Amalgamated Press, 1914-1919 xD522 W37

Walther, Wilhelm (1846-1924). Deutschlands schwert durch luther geweiht. Leipzig: Dorffling & Franke, 1914 Second edition xD515 W355 1914

1915 American Peace Congress. Proceedings of the fifth American peace congress... New York City: Church Peace Union, 1915 xJX1932 A5 1915

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (1855-1927). Kriegsaufsatze. Munchen: F. Bruckmann a.-g., 1915 Tenth edition xD525 C5 1915

Marshall, Logan. Horrors and atrocities of the great war: including the tragic destruction of the Lusitania, a new kind of warfare: comprising the desolation of Belgium, the sacking of Louvain, the shelling of defenseless cities, the wanton destruction of cathedrals and works of art, the horrors of bomb dropping...with special chapters, by Sir Gilbert Parker, Vance Thompson, Philip Gibbs. Philadelphia: Universal Book and Bible House, 1915 xD626 G3 M3

Martin, Rudolf Emil (1867-1916). Der Weltkrieg und sein ende. Berlin: R. Martin, 1915 xD515 M347 1915

1916 Ravensteins kriegskarte. Frankfurt A.M.: Verlag Ludwig Ravenstein, 1916 xG5831 S65 1916 R39

Baie, Eugène. La belgique de demain: la question du Luxembourg... Paris: Perrin et Cie, 1916 xD561 B3 B3

Destrée, Jules (1863-1936). Les socialistes et la guerre européenne 1914-1915. Bruxelles et Paris: G. Van Oest and cie, 1916 xHX40 D47 1916

France, Armée. Groupe des canevas de tir. Domptière dressé et restitué par le groupe des... S.l.: Le Groupe des Canevas de Tir de la VIth Armée, 1916 xG5834 D62 S65 1916 F7

Walpole, Hugh (1884-1941). The dark forest. New York: G.H. Doran, c1916 First American edition xZ1221 V5 W364 1916

1917 Der krieg im april 1918. Berlin: Otto Elsner Verlags, 1918 xD521 K74 1918

Our duty: maintain the schools at a high degree of... Salt Lake City, Utah: State Council of Defense, 1917 xLC90 U8 O8 1917

Pertinent facts on Utah’s loyalty and war record. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bureau of Information, 1918 xD570.85 U8 P4 1918

Secret diplomatic documents and treaties from the archives of the ministry of foreign affairs of the former Russian government with an introduction by Leon Trotsky; translated from the originals. Petrograd: Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda, attached to the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Workmen’s and Peasants’ Government of the Russian Republic, 1918 xDK251 S37

Songs of the soldiers and sailors, u. s. issued by... Washington: Government Printing Office, 1917 First edition xD526.2 S66

These men are going over the top with their lives! are you doing as much with dollars? Liberty Loan Committee of Utah, 1917 xHG4936 T47 1917

University of Utah: Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, UT: The University, 1917 xLD5526 U55 1917

The western critic. Milwaukee, WI: Karl Schauerman, 1917 xD501 W47 vol. 1, no. 5

1918 2nd free victory bulletin. Salt Lake City: The Herald, 1918 xD646 S46 1918

The passing times. Ogden, Utah: Women of American Patriots, 1918 xD639 W2 P277 No. 1

University of Utah: Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, Utah: The University, 1918 xLD5526 U55 1918

Utah. State Council of Defense. Utah council of defense. Salt Lake City, UT: The Council, 1918 xLC90 U8 O8 1917

Yanks; a book of A.E.F. verse published in France... n.p., 1918 First edition xD526.2 S719

Bollinger, Adolf (1854-1931). Deutschland am scheidewege... Munchen: J.F. Lehmann, 1918 First edition xD515 B69 1918

Dixon, William Macneile (1866-1945). The British Navy at War. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1917 First American edition xD581 D6 1917

Faivre, Abel (1867-1945). L’emprunt de la libération. Paris: Devambez, imp. 1918? xD522 F34 1918

Hubbard, Kin (1868-1930). Abe Martin on the war and other things: being a... Indianapolis, IN: A. Martin, 1918 xPS3515 U413 A65 1900z

Prepared under the direction of the General Staff, United States Army. Soldier’s handbook of the rifle and score book… Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1918 xUD395 S8 S55 1918

Whitney, Orson Ferguson (1855-1931). The world war and the fulfillment of modern prophecy… Pima, AZ: Printed by Gila Valley Farmer, 1918? xBX8639 W44 W67 1919

1919 Draft agreement for a league of nations: present to the plenary inter-allied conference of February 14, 1919. London: HMSO, 1919 xJX1975 D73 1919

1941 Bourne, Randolph Silliman (1886-1918). The war and the intellectuals. Robert L. Leslie, 1941 xD525 B63

1989 Govenor, Alan B. (b. 1952). The life and poems of Osceola May. Racine, WI: Arcadian Press, 1989

2007 Hänni, Romano (b. 1956). Gnadenlos hinrichten, freundlich begegnen. Basel (Mullheimerstrasse 49): R. Hanni, cop. 2007 xUB855 G7 H36 2007

2018 August 23 Compiled by Luise Poulton

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