News Articles on the Reunion Concert

A Concert of the 1960s Folk Music Revival in Utah. Intermountain Acoustic Musician (January, 2007).
by Polly Stewart
"Don t miss this extraordinary event where the featured artists are performers who were singing and playing locally in Salt Lake City and eleswhere in Utah during the great urban folk music revival of the late 1950 s and 1960s.As a sopho more at East High School in fall 1963, Heather Stewart joined forces with Hal Cannon and sev eral others to form what became the huge ly popular East High Folk Music Club, which attracted hundreds of members and inspired the formation of similar clubs at other high schools in Salt Lake City. Here she prepares for a concert at the Unitarian Church in Salt Lake City, August 1972."
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Urban Pioneers — A concert of Utah's 1960s folk music or the best family reunion you'll ever go to. Catalyst (January 2007).
by Amy Brunvand
"One thing that made Utah different was the rich local folk music tradition. Mormon converts from across Europe and America had melded their musical styles, and folklorists from BYU, the University of Utah and Utah State University had made extensive collections of Utah folk music that were similar to the WPA folklife projects, but not part of them. That meant that in Utah, folk-revival musicians had access to completely unique material..."
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The Revivalists
The '60s Folksong Revival that Captures the World's Attention Also Played out in Utah. Continuum (Fall, 2007)
by Linda Marion
"The lines were long, stretching out the doors of the auditorium at Highland High School in Salt Lake City on a brisk evening in January 2007. Gray heads bobbed up and down as patrons purchased tickets and made their way into the ample auditorium, occasionally stopping to peruse event memorabilia along the way.The occasion was "Urban Pioneers:' a concert-reunion featuring many of the musicians who had participated in the folk music revival that took place in Utah and throughout the country in the late '50s and '60s. (See "Urban Pioneers" in the Winter 2006-07 Continuum.) The decidedly over-55 crowd-those who had experienced firsthand those tumultuous times-had come to re-experience the music and recapture the moment. "
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Reviving Utah's urban folk revival. Salt Lake Tribune (January 21, 2007).
by Carma Wadley
"Stewart, who recently retired from the English faculty of Salisbury University in Maryland and moved back here to her . native state, knows about the urban folk revival in Utah . ·· . because she was part of it. Her ·current interest in reviving the story of the revival came she was as:!ed to review the ·· - manuscript for the " Utah" book, published in 20(Yt : 1 At first, she says; "I -: . . shocked to see no mention ofthe folk music. Then I realized there are few people left who have. · direct knowledge of the period, and there's little documentary evidence of it."
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