Affiliate Library Use

The scope of access and use will vary in accordance with the affiliation type, and may change based on the University’s designation. The University establishes procedures for verifying the eligibility of persons seeking to access and use electronic content licensed by the University. Library privledges and eligibility to use University licensed content shall cease when affiliation ends or is terminated.

The privilege of initial and continued eligibility to use licensed content by persons external to the University of Utah requires annual verification through the University’s affiliate process. 

More information regarding University Affiliation can be found in the University Procedure P5-207A: University of Utah Affiliates

By University policy and in line with licensing agreements, not all affiliations grant access to electronic content.

All affiliations are processed through University of Utah Human Resources and can be started here:

University of Utah Affiliate Form

The Marriott Library cannot be the authorizing department on any affiliation requests. 

University of Utah Affiliate Codes and Descriptions
10060  U Affiliate
10061 Patient Sensitive Affiliate
10062  U Health Academics
10054 LMS Bridge User


It is the responsibility of the sponsoring department to communicate all new affiliations to the library by emailing All new affiliation communications should include the affiliate’s name, affiliate status,  start date, and the expiration date issued by the University.