The Data Visualization Wall @ ProtoSpace

Data Visualization Wall

Designed with the purpose of supporting research and curriculum by immersing individuals in their data, the Data Visualization Wall joins multiple display screens with minimal bezels to form single and multiple large-scale digital displays in which users may simultaneously present multiple sources in various configurations and extents.


  • With its ability to load and visualize large imagery and data sets, the Data Visualization Wall provides a method for interacting and manipulating data sets without degradation or lag. This ability allows researchers to apply deeper analysis, consider new perspectives, and draw conclusions that bridge inquiry and exploration across multiple disciplines.
  • The Data Visualization Wall has the ability to immerse researchers within a learning experience beyond their field of view. Immersion at this level invites users to consider perspectives and questions about what they are exploring in new and different ways.
  • The Data Visualization Wall provides a dynamic, interactive, hands-on learning environment that simultaneously enhances research, encourages, active learning, and bolsters collaboration between faculty and students.
  • Some potential use cases identified for the Data Visualization Wall include, but are not limited to:
    • Presenting and demonstrating multiple sources (analog, digital, web browser, and IP-based) simultaneously across the full expanse of the 7' x 24' wall.
    • Loading high-resolution images - such as DNA strands or deep space photogrammetry - while viewing and interacting with them in 4K resolution.
    • Using pre-set display templates or resizing and moving content windows on the fly.
    • Plugging-in a personal laptop or mobile device as a separate display source.
  • The Data Visualization Wall is intended for individuals working on research projects, one-time class sessions, and scholarly projects / presentations benefitting from this level of presentation.
  • Individuals interested in scheduling the Data Visualization Wall may submit an e-ticket request with information on their intended date, time, and description of use. A member of the ProtoSpace team will then connect with you to confirm availability and complete the reservation process.
    Data Visualization Wall Request