Marriott Library Teaching Guidelines

This page presents guidelines intended to assist librarians teaching in first-year and undergraduate and graduate courses within their liaison areas at Marriott Library. The guidelines below were developed by combining the University of Utah's Quality Course Framework (QCF) with Marriott Library's Core Teaching Values. To engage more broadly with the larger conversation on information literacy, the Marriott Library's Four Core Student Library Learning Outcomes have been aligned to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy. The guidelines were initiated in the Education Services department of Marriott Library and their creation was led by Donna Ziegenfuss and Amy Brunvand. After minor revisions, the guidelines were adopted by Library Council on June 21, 2017.

As Teaching Librarians We Value:


At Marriott Library, our teaching values are reflected in our four Core Student Library Learning Outcomes:

1. Engage in the research process and construct knowledge by:

  • Defining a research topic/questions
  • Articulating information needs and research purpose
  • Implementing effective search strategies
  • Developing an awareness of disciplinary signature pedagogies and research

2. Demonstrate effective information seeking skills for locating, selecting, retrieving and evaluating information by:

  • Utilizing a variety of sources and tools both print and electronic
  • Discerning between scholarly and non-scholarly sources; as well as primary and secondary
  • resources
  • Compiling, categorizing and managing citations during the information seeking process
  • Employing ethical and legal standards when using sources and information resources
  • Critically evaluating information sources

3. Synthesize and communicate information and sources in a variety of formats both written and oral by:

  • Compiling and organizing information for presentation planning
  • Using a variety of textual, visual, and media formats for presentation
  • Presenting information/research in an effective manner

4. Exhibit dispositions of a researcher and confidence to apply research knowledge to new problems and situations by:

  • Developing transferable skills for comfortably using technology to find and use information
  • Demonstrating confidence and patience when doing research (problem solving attitude)
  • Valuing the concepts of student directed learning and lifelong learning


How the Marriott Library Student Learning Core Outcomes Align to the new ACRL Frames:

ACRL Frames Library Program Outcomes

Authority Is Constructed and

Information Has Value

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Demonstrate effective information seeking skills for locating, selecting, retrieving and
Contextual evaluating information by:
• Utilizing a variety of sources & tools (print & electronic)
 • Discerning between scholarly and non-scholarly sources; as well as primary and secondary
 • Compiling, categorizing and managing citations during the information seeking process
 • Employing ethical and legal standards when using sources and information
• Critically evaluating information sources and resources -

Scholarship as conversation

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Engage in the research process and construct knowledge by:

• Defining a research topic/ questions
• Articulating information needs and research purpose
• Implementing effective search strategies
• Developing an awareness of disciplinary signature pedagogies and research traditions

Research as Inquiry 

Information Creation as a Process

Synthesize and communicate information and sources in a variety of formats both written and
oral by:
• Compiling and organizing information for presentation planning
• Using a variety of textual, visual and media for presentation
• Presenting information/research in an effective manner
Dispositions are embedded in all of the six frames  Exhibit dispositions of a researcher and confidence to apply research knowledge to new
problems and situations by:
• Developing transferable skills for comfortably use technology to find and use information
• Demonst rating confidence and patience when doing research (problem solving attitude}
• Valuing the concepts of student directed learning and life long learning



The Teaching Guidelines Matrix aligns Marriott Library Core Teaching Values and the QCF. In addition to aligning teaching to the Marriott Library Student Learning Outcomes and ACRL Framework, as a teaching librarians, we value:


Phase 3: Teach F2F or Online


  • Engage the course instructor in the information literacy sessions(s) if possible by asking questions, etc.
  • Request to be embedded into the Canvas course to provide better connection and access to students

  • Outline what the session will cover (on board or in canvas)-learning targets/outcomes and content
  • Prepare and show command of the material
  • Use engaged teaching strategies to engage students in the session
  • Use questioning and discussion techniques (one example is think/share/pair) to break up lecture components
  • Use appropriate pacing (including waiting more than 3 seconds for students to respond to questions)
  • FInish the session by reviewing what was covered

  • Establish a rapport with students
  • Create a respectful, supportive and shared learning environment
  • Check to see if students are lost or off task
  • Is aware of student questions or raised hands
  • Encourage student-student discussion and sharing

  • Be on time for the instructional session to get set up and greet students
  • "Optional" recommendation to keep a teaching journal and track what we do with assessment and making changes to our teaching
  • Appear interested in and excited about the material
  • Adhere to standards of ethical conduct in the classroom
  • Grade the assessment if asked to do that by the instructor
  • Create a safe and comfortable learning environment in each session that is respectful and inclusive for all students
Phase 4: REVISE Instruction: Close the Assessment and Evaluation Loop


  • After the session, share reflections, observations, and ideas about the session(s) with the instructor as well as your plans for improvement

  • Reflect on how the teaching session went. What to improve? What to omit?
  • Review formative feedback if collected from students fo improving instruction
  • Ask for feeback from the instructor once an assignment is completed by the students

  • Gather data about the student research experience and attitudes about doing research
  • Track follow-up incidences, subject guide stats or canvas analytics to measure how students utilize resources

  • Plan for professional growth and development in the area of teaching
  • Design and implement assessment strategies to monitor the teaching and learning experience
  • Maintain accurate records of teaching, improvement strategies and assessment data Record instructional sessions in Desk Stats
  • Request feedback from peers about teaching