1705 Suite Faculty center reservation Policy

I.  Policy Scope

  • The primary purpose of the 1705 Suite is to provide the J. Willard Marriott Library and the 1705 Suite Library Partners with a multipurpose space suitable for large gatherings. 

  • A secondary purpose of the 1705 Suite is to provide a multipurpose space for campus faculty events. 

  • Access and reservation policies preserve the 1705 Suite’s ability to fulfill its primary purpose, while also permitting secondary uses wherever practical and appropriate. 

II.  Definitions

For the purpose of this policy,

  • Reservations by type:
    • "University Course": Offered by a degree or certificate granting program at the University of Utah.
    • "Library Class": A training session taught or co-created by an employee of the J. Willard Marriott Library for the purpose of learning library research and technology skills or to obtain information about library services and resources.
    • "Single Event: All advanced reservations made more than 48 hours in advance and that are not for a University Course or Library Class, including but not limited to lectures, meetings, 
      workshops, or trainings.
  • Groups by type:
    • J. Willard Marriott Library Employee": Benefitted employees of the J. Willard Marriott Library Department.
    • "1705 Suite Library Partners": Benefitted employees who have assigned space in 1705 under an active Library Partnership agreement.
    • "University of Utah Faculty member": An employee of the University of Utah with adjunct, assistant, associate, full, or emeritus appointment.
    • "University Department": A University of Utah academic unit (including colleges, schools, departments, and free-standing divisions), administrative office of academic units, general university administration, Continuing Education, and any other service, agency, and function of the university (including an institute, center, program, council, and faculty).
    • "University of Utah Student, Staff or Faculty": A currently enrolled or employed student, staff or faculty member of the University of Utah.

III.  Policies

A. The 1705 Suite may only be reserved for a J. Willard Marriott Library employee or a 1705 Suite Library 
Partner for departmental events. 

B. The 1705 Suite may be reserved for a University of Utah Faculty member or University Department for a 
faculty focused event. 

C. Furniture setup is self-service and should be left in good order following an event. Tables and chairs 
removed from the spaces should be returned at the end of the reservation. 

D. J. Willard Marriott Library employees and 1705 Suite Library Partners may reserve the 1705 Meeting Space and 1705F via the Classroom/Events Space Request Form at any point to meet the needs of the staff and faculty of the J. Willard Marriott Library and 1705 Suite Library Partners. 

E. University of Utah Faculty members and University departments may reserve the 1705 Meeting Space for single events no more than one year prior to the event. 

F. All details of your request, including catering details, must be submitted via the Classroom/Events Space Request Form. There is no charge to use the Faculty Center. However, a billable chart field is required to confirm a reservation for departments not located in the Marriott Library. The Marriott Library reserves the right to cancel an event if the chart field provided is incorrect or is unknown. 

G. Fees may be assessed after the event has taken place under these circumstances:

a. All events must begin and end within posted 1705 Suite open hours. Holidays and breaks have reduced hours. Exceptions may be allowed on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Dean prior to reservation. Such events are subject to a $50 charge for each hour (or portion thereof) that the event extends beyond the Library’s posted hours. 

b. If the event creates a need for cleanup and custodial beyond typical daily maintenance, a $200 cleanup fee will be charged. 

c. Fees may be assessed in the event of damage to the room or its equipment. 

d. Fees may be assessed according to the Audiovisual Services & Fees. 

H. Coordinating with caterers and other outside service providers is the responsibility of the event organizers. If Marriott Library staff is required to meet caterers, etc., there will be a $50 fee. Caterers 
and other outside service providers must use public entrances to the building. 

I. J. Willard Marriott Library Employees and University of Utah Faculty may schedule Semester-long and half-semester University courses and Library classes only when use of 1705B (Video Studio), 1705E (TLT 
Video Studio), or 1705X (Audio Studio) are used in the ongoing instruction. 

J. Pursuant to the After-Hours Faculty Center Access for Audio and Video Studios Policy, University Students, Staff, or Faculty may be granted after-hours access to the studios. 

K. Decorations or other modifications to the room must be temporary and fully removable or reversible; adhesive products such as cellophane tape, duct tape, and glues are not permitted, nor is it permitted to use nails, screws, or staples on the walls or ceiling. Removable adhesive products, such as 3M Command strips, are permitted, but are not provided by the Library. Any decorations or signage must be taken down at the end of the reservation. There will be no exceptions to this policy. 

L. All event attendees, whether or not affiliated with the University of Utah, are required to abide by the Library’s policies of patron behavior. 

M. Buying or selling of goods or services and soliciting donations of any kind is not allowed in the Marriott Library without prior approval of the Director of Facilities and Operations. 

N. The total capacity for both 1705 Meeting Space and 1705F is 80.

O. Additional audio amplification beyond the built-in Smart Board audio is not allowed due to workspace proximity. 

P. In unusual circumstances, events may be granted an exception to the policies listed, particularly for campus-wide events, but must be approved by Dean and University Librarian prior to reservation. 

IV. Services Provided 

A. The 1705 Meeting Space has LCD screens with laptop connection and built-in audio. Room capacity provides 30 chairs and 12 tables for self-setup. 

B. The 1705F Meeting Space has two smartboards with a MAC, PC, laptop connection and built-in audio. Room capacity provides 50 chairs and 20 tables for self-setup. 

V. History

A. Policy owner: Facilities Management 

B. Policy approved by: 

1. Executive Committee: April 24, 2017 

2. Executive Committee: June 8, 2020 

C. Revised: - May 26, 2020 

D. Earlier Versions: Policy Archive Folder

Note: Policies should be reviewed at minimum every three (3) years.