Exhibition Policy

  1. Purpose of Exhibitions in the Library
  2. Exhibition Advisory Committee
  3. Review Process: Proposals, Review and Approval Procedure
  4. Applicants
  5. Scheduling
  6. Exhibition Space
  7. Installation and Strike
  8. Receptions
  9. Signage and Installation Materials
  10. Promotion
  11. Security and Insurance


  1. Purpose of Exhibitions in the Library
    Exhibitions in the J. Willard Marriott Library are designed to enlighten students, faculty, staff, and the community; foster debate and discussion on a wide range of issues; and promote an awareness of library collections, services, and events.

    Exhibitions support and enhance the Marriott Library’s strategic directions.

    Library exhibitions should be informative, educational, and aesthetic in nature. The subject matter of exhibitions should be appropriate to the interests of the general academic community and presented on a level appropriate for a university library. In addition to the intellectual content, the physical presentation must incorporate informed principles of design and composition that clearly present ideas and narratives in a visually compelling way.

    In accordance with the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights, the J. Willard Marriott Library does not exclude exhibitions "because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation." Likewise, exhibition material is not "proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval." The library makes exhibition space available "on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use." The library hosts a variety of exhibits created or co-sponsored by University of Utah students and employees as part of its commitment to fostering vibrant and robust intellectual conversations on campus. External parties interested in proposing an exhibition are encouraged to seek a campus partner who is willing to cosponsor, sharing the responsibilities and costs. The university and the library do not endorse, condone, or censor the material in any of these exhibitions. The university and the library recognize that particular content could make some visitors and library patrons uncomfortable.

    Case law involving the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which addresses freedom of speech, has clearly defined the types of speech that are not protected: obscenity; fighting words; defamation; child pornography; perjury; blackmail; incitement to imminent lawless action; true threats; and solicitations to commit crimes. Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment, even though we find it very offensive and deeply disagree with it. The First Amendment empowers people to hear all ideas, let the best ideas flourish, and to overcome destructive ideas.
  2. Exhibition Advisory Committee
    The EAC reports to the Executive Committee and is chaired by Director of Library Facilities and Operations. The EAC is comprised of library faculty and staff serving at the pleasure of the Dean. Accepted applicants and the cognizant member of the EAC work together to produce exhibitions. The EAC is not responsible for curating exhibitions. The cognizant member of the EAC oversees all pertinent installation and deinstallation of exhibitions in the library as determined by the EAC. The cognizant member in coordination with the library or departmental designer ensures required curatorial or exhibition statements are produced and ready for installation before an exhibition is installed. Faculty-mentored, student curatorial or exhibition statements must indicate the course by department and number in which the content was developed. The EAC has final approval of an exhibition’s design and appearance.

    The EAC calls on others with applicable experience to be part of the installation team for exhibition specific installations.
  3. Review Process: Proposals, Review, and Approval Procedures
    Proposal forms are digitally submitted via the library’s "Exhibitions" page. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals for review six months prior to the intended opening. University of Utah students and student groups are required to secure a faculty mentor prior to applying. A faculty mentor is asked to help prepare proposals, advise on exhibition content, and, if possible, assist with installation and strike.­­­

    The EAC reviews all proposals.  Proposals submitted after the six-month deadline are considered only if staffing and resources are available. An applicant may be contacted during the review process for additional information regarding the exhibition. The EAC reserves the right to accept or politely decline exhibition requests. The EAC makes all decisions regarding the exhibition’s scheduling and the placement of the exhibition within the library.

    All applicants are notified following the review of an exhibition proposal. Approved applicants must confirm they received the acceptance letter within two weeks of notification or the EAC assumes the applicant is no longer interested. Approved applicants are expected to work with the Exhibition Team regarding preparation deadlines leading up to the exhibition's opening date. Upon approval, applicants receive the Exhibition Acceptance Packet. This packet includes an Exhibition Acceptance Letter, the Exhibitions Checklist (a tailored exhibition preparation schedule detailing the dates, deadlines, and responsibilities leading up to their exhibition's opening), an Exhibition Contract, and an Incoming Insurance Form. Applicants are expected to review the packet carefully, contract with the library to fulfill their responsibilities, and provide necessary insurance information.

    Accepted exhibitions must be fully curated two weeks before opening. A fully curated exhibit includes final copy for labels and signage; the submission of a working checklist of all exhibition materials and their descriptions; organization of final layout. the two-week deadline, all materials must be ready to install.

    The EAC reserves the right to cancel an exhibition if it is not install-ready.
  4. Applicants
    Applicants are defined as currently enrolled students or employed faculty and staff of the University of Utah.  Parties external to the University must apply through their campus cosponsor as outlined in section I. All applicants are expected to fully curate their exhibitions. This means applicants must provide high quality, exhibit-ready content to the Exhibition Team by the dates assigned in the Exhibition Acceptance Packet. The Exhibition Team can print labels, signage, and provide available installation materials upon request; the applicant must supply all other necessities. If shipping arrangements are necessary, the applicant is responsible for the cost and preparation of such, both to and from the library. Applicants are also responsible for the coordination of receptions corresponding to their exhibition.
  5. Scheduling
    Exhibition proposals are reviewed in the order they are received and are scheduled as exhibition space and library resources allow. The expectation is that exhibitions run eight to twelve weeks. As academic scheduling may require, the EAC gives special consideration to the presentation of student or coursework. When resources and space allow, student work may be installed on a temporary basis and does not constitute a formal exhibition. Because of the time and resources required to coordinate and install a formal exhibition, the EAC may decline exhibitions for less than eight weeks duration and does not consider proposals for less than six weeks. All materials must be picked up from the library no later than two weeks after the exhibition closes. If materials have not been picked up after two weeks, they will be disposed of.
  6. Exhibition Space
    Exhibition spaces are located on Levels 1, 2, and 4 of the J. Willard Marriott Library. Temperature for interior exhibition spaces is 68 – 73° F +/- 5 ̊ F with a relative humidity of 35% +/- 10%.

    Level 1 Gallery: High traffic area by the Level 1 elevators and stairs. Space supports six standing vitrines ideal for 3-D display. Each vitrine supports display in stacked upper and lower cases are 72 3/4" tall and 30" square. The center shelf is located at 37 1/2" from the bottom of the case.

    Level 1 Display Cases: Four display cases in a high traffic area near the library’s west entrance, next to café. Shelving in cases can be adjusted or removed as desired. Suitable for 2- or 3-D display. Dimensions for Case 1 is 42" w 45" h 12" d. Dimensions for Cases 2-4 are 42" w 45" h 18" d.

    Level 1 Gallery Walls: Wall space for 2-D display. Gallery track hanging system along the lengths of both walls. North wall is 23' in length and 9' high. The south wall is 24'8" in length and 9' high.

    Level 1 Katherine's Courtyard: Outdoor space in an interior courtyard with primary access through café. Five circular concrete pads measuring 35" in diameter are dedicated for the exhibition of 3-D work. Other locations are negotiable depending on size/scope of the project.                                                                                                      

    Level 1 1700 Hallway Gallery: High traffic wall space for 2-D display. Gallery track hanging system along the lengths of the walls. Three segments make up the gallery. Eastern wall is 34' in length and 9' high, the center wall is 28' in length and 9' high, and the western most wall is 23' in length and 9' high.

    Level 2 Katherine's Courtyard: Outdoor space in an interior courtyard with primary access through the Fine Arts & Architecture Library. Suitable for 3-D work in various locations depending on the size/scope of work. Space supports twelve plinths ideal for sized 3-D display. Seven of the twelve plinths measure 50" in height and the remaining five measure 28" in height. The display area for both sizes is 16" x 16".

    Level 2 K.W. Dumke Fine Arts & Architecture Library: Wall space for 2-D display. Gallery track hanging system along the lengths of the West wall. West wall is 34' in length and 4'6" high.

    Level 2 Display Cases: Four display cases in a high traffic area near the ProtoSpace™. Shelving in cases can be adjusted or removed as desired. Suitable for 2- or 3-D display. Dimensions for Case 1 is 42" w 45" h 12"d. Dimensions for Cases 2-4 are 42" w 45" h 18" d.

    Level 4 George S. Eccles Special Collections Reading Room: The reading room is available for the exhibition of Special Collections material only. Space supports 8 vitrines ideal for 3-D display.

    Level 4 Special Collections Gallery: Located in the Level 4 Lobby. Space supports 18 standing vitrines ideal for 3-D display. Available for the exhibition of Special Collections material or related material.

    Level 4 South Atrium Wall: Wall space for 2-D display. Gallery track hanging system runs the length of the wall, 49' in length and 9' high. Available for the exhibition of Special Collections material or related material.
  7. Installation and Strike
    The Director of Facilities and Operations is responsible for oversight of installation and strike of exhibitions in the library at large.  The Art & Architecture Librarian is responsible for the oversight of installation and strike in Katherine’s courtyard and the Fine Arts Library. The assigned exhibition coordinator(s) in Special Collections is/are responsible for oversight of the gallery space while individual Special Collections staff applicants are responsible for installation and strike of exhibitions on level 4.  The Exhibitions Advisory Committee has final approval of an exhibition’s design and appearance and makes all decisions regarding the exhibition’s scheduling and the placement of the exhibition within the library. Installation cannot take place until a signed exhibition acceptance agreement has been returned to the EAC.

    Installation and Strike must take place Monday – Friday during business hours. Please note that some areas of the library may close early. If installation or strike is to include members external to the EAC, the cognizant EAC member must be onsite and present.
  8. Receptions
    Receptions should be planned in conjunction with the Library Events and Scheduling Coordinator for the J. Willard Marriott Library. The Events and Scheduling Coordinator assists in reception scheduling for applicants who request one, however, reception coordination, preparation, and cleanup are solely the responsibility of the applicant.

    The time and length of a reception is negotiated with the Events and Scheduling Coordinator.  A $75 reception fee is required and is payable by credit card or campus journal entry. The Events and Scheduling Coordinator must receive reception fees no later than two weeks prior to the reception.

    The Exhibition Advisory Committee and the Events and Scheduling Coordinator reserve the right to cancel a reception if the fee is not delivered before the event.

    The reception fee covers the J. Willard Marriott Library’s provision, setup, and breakdown of vendor tables and chairs upon request. The library is able to provide three vendor tables (each 30" x 6') and six chairs as requested. Groups are expected to completely coordinate with caterers to provide all other reception necessities. The Events and Scheduling Manager is available to meet and escort the reception contact to the reception location upon arrival. If support from the Events and Scheduling Manager or other library staff is needed during the reception, additional fees apply. Groups are expected to check in with the Events and Scheduling Manager at the end of their reception to ensure sufficient cleanup has occurred.

    The reception location is coordinated by the Events and Scheduling Manager. For large or private receptions, applicants may choose to schedule the Level 1 Gould Auditorium. For more information or to reserve a reception date in the Gould Auditorium contact the Events and Scheduling Manager.  Fees for Gould Auditorium reservations are entirely separate from the exhibition reception fees.
  9. Signage and Installation Materials
    The J. Willard Marriott Library may print labels and artist/exhibition/curatorial statement signage for approved exhibitions as well as provide available installation materials. To ensure that the installation team has time to print the labels and signage, edited copy and image content for labels and signage should be submitted two weeks prior to the opening of the exhibition. An artist/exhibition/curatorial statement is required and must include a full artist biography including any University-related information such as course instructor, faculty mentor, student/faculty status, or campus cosponsor. An exhibit may not be installed unless the artist/exhibition/curatorial statement is produced and ready for installation with the rest of the exhibition.
  10. Promotion
    The J. Willard Marriott Library promotes exhibitions external to the library through electronic means only. Applicants write and submit edited copy for use in promotional materials by the date specified on their acceptance form. The EAC uses this copy for campus and community calendars and other outlets.

    Any additional promotion or marketing is the responsibility of the applicant. Additional promotion must be reviewed by the EAC if the J. Willard Marriott Library of the University of Utah is going to be identified as a collaborator or host.
  11. Security and Insurance
    The library shall not be responsible or liable for any damage to, or loss, or destruction of any exhibition material or work while on exhibit at the library. Exhibitors assume all risk incidental to the installation of the exhibit. University owned and borrowed collections are fully insured during exhibition.

    For formal exhibitions with accompanying Incoming Loan Agreement, the EAC evaluates and records the condition of exhibition materials upon arrival at the library and re-evaluate the condition of materials during deinstallation. A copy of the condition report is given to the applicant at the time of pick-up.
    Comments about an exhibition at the J. Willard Marriott Library may be addressed to the EAC

Reviewed by the Office of General Counsel August 2019.

Approved by the Dean and Associate Deans August 2019.

Approved by the Executive Committee September 2019.

Updated and approved by the Executive Committee August 2022.

Updated and approved by the Executive Committee June 5, 2023