First Annual Funded Research Honorees
The Celebrate U Task Force congratulates the top faculty research award and grant recipients from each college in 2015!
[Bold indicates University of Utah faculty]
Elena Asparouhova (College of Business). Price Quality in Dark Markets
Olga Juliana Baker (School of Dentistry). Resolution of Cytokine-Mediated Salivary Gland Inflammation
Olga Juliana Baker (School of Dentistry) and Stelios Andreadis, co-Principal Investigators. The Use of Fibrin Hydrogels to Build an Artificial Salivary Gland
Jennifer Dill, Keith A. Bartholomew (College of Architecture + Planning), Roger Lindgren, and Marc Schlossberg, co-Principal Investigators. National Institute for Transportation and Communities
Susan Beck (College of Nursing) and Kathi Mooney (College of Nursing), co-Principal Investigators. Telephone Linked Care: An IT Enabled Integrated System for Cancer Symptom Relief
Martin Berzins (College of Engineering), Robert M. Kirby (College of Engineering), Dmitry Bedrov (College of Engineering), and Valeria Molinero (College of Science), co-Principal Investigators. Alliance for Computationally-guided Design of Energy Efficient Electronic Materials
Craig J. Bryan (College of Social & Behavioral Science). Perserec Task Order 53

Richard M. Clark (College of Science) and Ricardo Ramirez, co-Principal Investigators. Genomics of Resistance to Mite Herbivores Associated with Drought Stress in Cereals
Micah J. Drummond (College of Health). NIA-Muscle Insulin Resistance
Daniel Leroy Dustin (College of Health), Kelly Bricker (College of Health), Matthew Brownlee (College of Health), Craig J. Bryan (College of Social & Behavioral Science), and Kevin Raymond Rathunde (College of Social & Behavioral Science), co-Principal Investigators. Toward a Better Understanding of Nature's Resiliency-Building and Restorative Power for Armed Forces Personnel, Veterans, and Their Families
Eric Norman Eide (College of Engineering) and Robert P. Ricci (College of Engineering), co-Principal Investigators. CI-EN: Revitalizing Emulab for Modern Networking and Systems Research
Joanna Paulson Ganning (College of Architecture + Planning). What Do We Know About Location Affordability in U.S. Shrinking Cities?
Michael K. Gardner (College of Education). Exploration of Validity Evidence Gaps in Science Educational Achievement Testing
Martine Kei Green-Rogers (College of Fine Arts). Two Noble Kinsmen
Glen Hanson (College Of Pharmacy). Floss
Norma J. Harris (College Of Social Work). Enhancing Outcomes in Child Welfare Families Through Education of BSW and MSW Students in Title IV-E Programs
Margo Haygood (School of Medicine). Diverse Drug Lead Compounds from Bacterial Symbionts in Philippine Mollusks
John Horel (College of Mines and Earth Sciences). SynopticLabs: Subcontract for the National Mesonet Program of the National Weather Service, Department of Commerce
Zac Imel (College of Education) and David Atkin, co-Principal Investigators. Computational Evaluation of Psychotherapy for Substance Abuse
Jakob D. Jensen (College of Humanities) and Douglas Grossman (Huntsman Cancer Institute), co-Principal Investigators. Communal Feedback as an Innovative Alternative to Skin Self-Exam
William R. Jenson (College of Education) and Elaine Clark (College of Education), co-Principal Investigator. Superheroes social skills training, rethinking autism internet interventions, parent training, EBP classroom training, functional behavior assessment: an autism spectrum disorder, evident based practice (EBP) training track for school psychologists
Patricia Kerig (College of Social & Behavioral Science), Sheila Crowell (College of Social & Behavioral Science), and Brian Baucom (College of Social & Behavioral Science), co-Principal Investigators. Polyvictimized Youth - Factors promoting risk and resilience among polyvictimized youth in the juvenile justice system
Bethany Anne Koehntop (College of Science). Investigating DNA Recognition by Methyl-CpG Interpreters in Prostate Cancer
Keith David Koper (College of Mines and Earth Sciences). Regional and Urban Seismic Monitoring: Wasatch Front, Utah, and Neighboring Intermountain West, United States Geological Survey
Kathi Mooney (College of Nursing) and Susan Beck (College of Nursing), co-Principal Investigators. Enhancing End-of-Life and Bereavement Outcomes Among Cancer Caregivers
Valerio Pascucci (College of Engineering) and James Sutherland (College of Engineering), co-Principal Investigators. Scalable Algorithms for Multiscale Modeling and Analysis of Turbulent Combustion
Ginette A. Pepper (College of Nursing). Utah Geriatric Education Center: Developing the Geriatric Primary Care Workforce to Improve Outcomes in Long Term Care
Christopher Peterson (College of Law). 2015 CFPB Laws & Regulations
Mary Noreen Powers-Torrey (J. Willard Marriott Library). Visual Arts: To Support the Diversification of Book Arts Program Community Workshops 2016
Perry Franklin Renshaw (School of Medicine). Improving Therapeutic Options for Hypoxia-related Depression with an Animal Model
Matthew H. Samore (School of Medicine). Transmission Risks
Lien Fan Shen (College of Fine Arts) and Jia-Wen Guo (College of Nursing), co-Principal Investigators. Animation-Based Depression Evaluation Instrument for People with Intellectual Disability
Gregory E. Smoak (College of Humanities). History of Zion National Park
Katherine Sward (College of Nursing) and Julio C. Facelli (School of Medicine), co-Principal Investigators. Prisms Informatics Platform - Federated Integration Architecture
David Turok (School of Medicine) and Jessica Sanders, co-Principal Investigators. Highly Effective Reversible Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative
Mary Beth Vogel-Ferguson (College of Social Work). Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Contract
Kevin James Whitty (College of Engineering), JoAnn Slama Lighty (College of Engineering), and Andrew Fry (College of Engineering), co-Principal Investigators. Integrated Oxygen Production and CO2 Separation through Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling
Karen Wilcox (College of Pharmacy) and Steven White (College of Pharmacy), co-Principal Investigators. Identification and Characterization of Novel Therapeutics for the Treatment and Prevention of Epilepsy and Neuroprotectants as Counter Measures (CM) to Chemical Threats
Photo Credit: University of Utah Marketing and Communications, 2016