Automated retrieval robot picking up books

ARC (Automated Retrieval Center)

What is it?

The Automated Retrieval Center or "ARC" is a high density storage facility within the library where library materials are housed in order to make space for other services and collections.

Machines are used to retrieve and shelve materials stored in the ARC. 

How do I know if an item is in the ARC?

You can find items stored in the ARC through the library catalog.  ARC items will have "ARC Click Request" in their location field:

ARC location as shown in the catalog.

Requesting Items

  • Request items in Usearch by clicking the "Get It" tab. Click on the "Request" button. Follow the request pages through until you see the message "Request Placed".
  • If requested materials are "In Place", they will be pulled and will be available for pickup from the hold shelf in the Level 1 Lobby within 1 hour. Items will be held for 7 days.
  • You may also place a hold on ARC items that are currently "on loan".  When the item is returned by the patron that has it on loan, you will be notified via email and it will be held for you at the hold shelf.