Featured ePublications
See also: Open Journal System (OJS) epubs & Open Conference System (OCS) conference hosting
Online song index that makes locating related voice recital repertoire easy to find.
U of U Authors and their works, 1883-1970
A descriptive bibliography of University of Utah faculty research.
Patricia Guenther's Dietary Assessment Blog
Dr. P.M. Guenther's blog on dietary assessment research.
Ethics of Suicide Digital Archive
Digital archive supporting the full text version of the condensed printed volume published by Oxford University Press.
Consuming Music
An introduction to the print volume published by Boydell & Brewer.
Hidden Water
Hidden Water unveils surface water systems on the east side of Salt Lake Valley, both culinary and irrigation.
Research with Diverse Populations
In this ebook, we tell the story of who we are and how we approach those we hope to understand more fully. We are acting on our concern for what it means to be human and take part in research.
Emerging Tech Trends in Higher Ed
Proceedings of the Symposium on Emerging Technology Trends in Higher Education includes abstracts, presentations, and papers from the symposia.
Writing with New Eyes
Project New Eyes, a University of Utah Study Abroad Program in the Czech Republic, ran from 2007 to 2009. This anthology brings into one space the writing, images, and video produced by the cohorts.
Undergraduate Research Journal
The journal's primary mission to make more visible the rich and diverse student contributions to research and creative work at the University of Utah.
Proceedings of the Utah Health & Resiliency Conference
These proceedings intend to raise awareness, dispel myths and support evidence based methods which will improve the knowledge, understanding and well-being of students and professionals, as well as the greater community.