USpace Subcollections

Chicano Student Archive thumbnail

Chicano Scholarship Archive

A collection of videos and other items outlining the history of the Chicano Student Scholarship awards at the University of Utah.

Computer Science Archive Thumb

Computer Science Archive

Technical reports, manuscripts and photographs at the J. Willard Marriott Library document the early history of the University of Utah Computer Science Department.

Digital Scholarship Publications Icon


Broad collection of digital scholarship works.

GIS Library

GIS Library

Collection of geospatial projects produced at Marriott Library.

Open Conference Thumbnail

Conference Support

We offer support for all stages of conference planning, from call for papers and peer review to registration and scheduling.

Open Journal Thumb

Ejournals Library 

Open access journals published by and hosted at the Marriott Library, from conference proceedings to campus ejournals.

Poster Collection Thumbnail

Poster Collection

Posters created by students, faculty and staff supporting scholarly endeavors across the University of Utah campus.

Arpanet Collection

The ARPANET Project 

In 1969, The University of Utah Computer Science Department became the fourth node on the ARPANET, a Defense Department project that evolved into the Internet and World Wide Web.

Sustainability U Thumbnail

Sustainability U

A collection of items that have been created by students and departments concerning sustainability in the community, on campus and globally. 


School of Music

School of Music
Theses & Dissertations

Theses & Dissertations created
by students from the School of Music