Home Delivery Policy
Purpose and Scope
- The purpose of Library Home Delivery is to provide University of Utah Staff, Students, and Faculty access to circulating physical library materials sent directly to their preferred mailing address.
- "Equipment": Technology and peripheral devices assigned to the location KCSCS.
- "Non-circulating": Library materials not available for circulation to library patrons. Materials that are non-circulating include but are not limited to Special Collections and Microforms.
- "Short-loan": Library-owned materials with circulating item policies less than 30 days.
- "Preferred mailing address": The address a patron’s home delivery requests are sent to, designated in Alma as their 'home' address.
Policies and Responsibilities
- All current University of Utah Staff, Students, and Faculty members may request circulating materials, available at the Marriott, Eccles, or Faust libraries, to be delivered to their home.
- Home Delivery should be requested through Usearch according to instructions found on the Delivery Services page.
- The first Home Delivery request will require that patrons provide their preferred mailing address for initial setup.
- Library-owned materials will be mailed within 48 hours Monday-Friday.
- Non-circulating and short-loan materials are not available for home delivery fulfillment.
- If an item is not available, lost, or missing, the patron will be notified via email. Alternative options, including ILL, will be provided.
- Equipment and Inter-Library Loan (ILL) items may also be requested for home delivery.
- For the purpose of due dates and fine disputes, the postmark will be used as the physical return date.
Policy References
Policy Owner
- Library Operations, Logistics, & Facilities
- Policy approved by:
- Executive Committee: August 23, 2021
- Updated: August 11, 2021
- Policy approved by:
Note: Policies should be reviewed at minimum every three (3) years.
Library Operations & Protection Services801-581-8558
801-581-8600 (emergencies only)
Collection Services