Home Delivery Policy

  1. Purpose and Scope

    • The purpose of Library Home Delivery is to provide University of Utah Staff, Students, and Faculty access to circulating physical library materials sent directly to their preferred mailing address.
  2. Definitions

    • "Equipment": Technology and peripheral devices assigned to the location KCSCS.
    • "Non-circulating": Library materials not available for circulation to library patrons. Materials that are non-circulating include but are not limited to Special Collections and Microforms.
    • "Short-loan": Library-owned materials with circulating item policies less than 30 days.
    • "Preferred mailing address": The address a patron’s home delivery requests are sent to, designated in Alma as their 'home' address.
  3. Policies and Responsibilities

    • All current University of Utah Staff, Students, and Faculty members may request circulating materials, available at the Marriott, Eccles, or Faust libraries, to be delivered to their home.
    • Home Delivery should be requested through Usearch according to instructions found on the Delivery Services page.
    • The first Home Delivery request will require that patrons provide their preferred mailing address for initial setup.
    • Library-owned materials will be mailed within 48 hours Monday-Friday.
    • Non-circulating and short-loan materials are not available for home delivery fulfillment.
    • If an item is not available, lost, or missing, the patron will be notified via email. Alternative options, including ILL, will be provided.
    • Equipment and Inter-Library Loan (ILL) items may also be requested for home delivery.
    • For the purpose of due dates and fine disputes, the postmark will be used as the physical return date.
  4. Policy References

  5. Policy Owner

    • Library Operations, Logistics, & Facilities
  6. History

    • Policy approved by:
      • Executive Committee: August 23, 2021
      • Updated: August 11, 2021

Note: Policies should be reviewed at minimum every three (3) years.