NOTICE: The One Button Studio software is being replaced. It's still simple, but is no longer controlled by a single button.
The One Button Studio (MLIB 2500B) is located in the Fine Arts & Architecture Library.
The One Button Booth is located in ProtoSpace (MLIB 2750).
Recording sessions, up to one hour long, are available anytime the library is open. Reservations must be made in advance. Use the Library's Room & Space Scheduler to make a reservation: https://lib.utah.edu/spaces/

1 - Insert your drive into the dock to begin

2- Press the button to start & stop recording

3 - Remove your drive when you are finished
Professional Video Recording
The One Button Studio in the J Willard Marriott Library is an easy-to-use video production studio that requires no prior video production experience.
The One Button Studio allows you to create high-quality and polished video projects without having to know anything about lights and cameras. You only need to bring a flash drive (portable USB drive) with you.
Studio Projects include:
- Creating videos for online instruction, such as MOOCs
- Creating videos for recruitment, training, or professional development seminars
- Creating ePortfolio materials or video essays
- Practicing your public speaking skills
- Using the green/blue screen to create visual effects
- Recording a group interview or podcast
- And many others...
- Access and Use of Audio, Video, and One Button Studios
Today's Schedule
Robert J. Nelson
Head of Media Studios
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Related Links
Audio Studio (1705X Faculty Center)
Video Studio (1705B Faculty Center)
Podcast Booth (2750A Protospace)
Access and Use of Audio, Video, Podcast Booth and One Button Studios
Creativity and Innovation Services
Creativity and Innovation Services Blog