A list of material collections, external resources and suggested reading materials related to Downwinders and this archive.
Associated archival collections contained in the J. Willard Marriott Library Special Collections Department
- Chip Ward Papers
- Deseret Chemical Depot Collection
- Dugway Proving Ground Reports
- Ivor Delwyn Thomas Papers
- John L. Lyon Papers
- John Werner Welland Papers
- Kern N. Bullock Papers
- MX Information Center Records
- Peter Huntoon Papers
- Scott M. Matheson Papers
- Stephen Gary Erickson Papers
- The Everett Cooley Oral History Project
- Uranium Mining Oral History Project
- Utah Women in Politics Oral History Project
- Willem Kolff Paper
- ABC News, 1994. Turning Point - Downwinders. ABC News Documentary.
- Fox, Sarah Alisabeth, 2014. Downwind: A People's History of the Nuclear West. Board of Regents, University of Nebraska
- Liddell, H. & Liddell, H., 2014. Forgotten Guinea Pigs: The Downwinder's Story. Junior Group Website Division. Retrieved September 30, 2015
- Miller, Richard L., 1991. Under the Cloud: The Decades of Nuclear Testing. Two Sixty Press. Woodlands, TX.
- J. Willard Marriott Library, January 2012. Interview with Congressman Jim Matheson. J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.
- National Cancer Institute, 1997. Data Tables of Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses from I-131 by Age Group and County Retrieved September 30, 2015
- National Cancer Institute, 1997. Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses Report . Retrieved September 30, 2015
- National Cancer Institute, 1997. Fallout From Nuclear Weapons Tests and Cancer Risks. Retrieved September 30, 2015
- National Cancer Institute, 1997. State and County Exposure Levels to I-131. Retrieved September 30, 2015
- New York Times, (1950-1990). Various Historic Articles Related to Downwinders, Nuclear Fallout and the Atomic Energy Commission. New York Times Company.
- KUED, 1985. Thirty Years To Justice. KUED Documentary.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999. Exposure of the American People to Iodine-131 from Nevada Nuclear-Bomb Tests. National Academies Press (US). Washington (DC).
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1951. Handbill Warning Distributed to the Public Prior to First Series of Testing. Retrieved on September 30, 2015
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1955. Atomic Test Effects In The Nevada Test Site Region. Retrieved September 30, 2015
- United States Department of Energy, 2000. United States Nuclear Tests: July 1945 Through September 1992. United States Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- United States Department of Justice, 2015. Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). Retrieved September 30, 2015
- Wikipedia, September 2015. Nevada Test Site. Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation. Retrieved September 30, 2015
- A.E.C. 1955 Atomic Test Effects Pamphlet
- Charter Heslep Papers
- Cuba Lyle Papers
- Irma Thomas Downwinder Collection
- Nancy H. Williams Downwinder Collection
- National Cancer Institute - Exposure to I-131 Radiation
- National Cancer Institute - State & County Exposure Levels to I-131
- Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – General Leukemia Information
- US Department of Justice – Information on the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
- American Cancer Society – What Causes Cancer? Radiation Exposure and Cancer Information
- American Cancer Society – Non-Medical Sources of Man-Made Radiation
- Nuclear Weapons Testing and Research Efforts to Evaluate Health Effects on Exposed Populations in the United States
- Utah State Archives - Inventory of Radiation Records from Governor Matheson, 1950-1983
- Utah State Archives - Inventory of Sheep Radiation Studies from Department of Health, 1953-1955
- A History of U.S. Nuclear Testing and its Influence on Nuclear Thought, (1945-1963) - David M. Blades and Joseph M. Siracusa (2014)
- American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War - Carole Gallagher (1953)
- Arsenals of Folly: The Making of the Nuclear Arms Race - Richard Rhodes (2008)
- Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940 - Stephen Schwartz (1998)
- Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics - C. Constandina Titus (2001)
- Doom Towns: The People and Landscapes of Atomic Testing, A Graphic History - Andrew G. Kirk and Kristian Purcell (2016)
- Downwind: A People History of the Nuclear West - Sarah Alizabeth Fox (2014)
- Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation - Richard Solomon and Harvey Wasserman (2013)
- Fallout: An American Nuclear Tragedy - Philip L. Fradkin (2004)
- Folding Paper Cranes - Leonard Bird (2005)
- Half Lives and Half Truths: Confronting the Radioactive Legacies of the Cold War - Barbara Rose Johnston (2007)
- Nuclear Weapons in the Cold War - Dr. Harold L. Brode and Larry MacDonald (2014)
- Nuclear Weapons Testing at the Nevada Test Site the First Decade - John C. Hopkins and Barbara Germain Killian (2013)
Report on Search for Human Radiation Experiment Records (1944 - 1994) - United States Department of Defense (1997)
- Vol 1 & 2 are available from the United States Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service
- The Day We Bombed Utah - John G. Fuller (1984)
- The Making of the Atomic Bomb - Richard Rhodes (1986)
- They Never Knew: The Victims of Nuclear Testing - Glen Alan Cheney (1996)
- Trace Elements: Mapping the Great Basin and its Peripheries - Michael McLane (2015)
- U.S. Atlas of Nuclear Fallout (1951-1970), Vol 1: Total Fallout - Richard Miller (2006)
- U.S. Atlas of Nuclear Fallout (1951-1970), Vol 2: Eastern United States - Richard Miller (2006)
- U.S. Atlas of Nuclear Fallout (1951-1970), Vol 3: County Comparisons - Richard Miller (2006)
- U.S. Atlas of Nuclear Fallout (1951-1970), Vol 4: Western United States - Richard Miller (2006)
- U.S. Atlas of Nuclear Fallout (1951-1970), Vol 5: Calculations - Richard Miller (2006)
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments - (October 1995)
Building Public Trust: Actions to Respond to the Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments - United States Government (March 1997)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - Constantine J. Maletskos, PHD. (January 20, 1995)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - Cornelius A. Tobias, PHD. (January 16, 1995)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - Don Francis Petersen, PHD. (November 29, 1994)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., PHD. (December 20, 1994)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - John W. Healy (November 28, 1994)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - John Randolph Totter, PHD. (January 23, 1995)
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years - Merril Eisenbud (January 26, 1995)
Nuclear Weapons Testing and Research Efforts to Evaluate Health Effects on Exposed Populations in the United States - Joseph L. Lyon (September, 1999)
Thyroid Disease Associate with Exposure to the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site Radiation - Joseph L. Lyon (November, 2006)
Archive Records
- Inventory of Radiation Records from Governor Matheson, 1950-1983 - Utah State Archives
- Inventory of Sheep Radiation Studies from Department of Health, 1953-1955 - Utah State Archives