Utah Centennial 1896-1996
A Photo Exhibit
When Utah became the 45th state on January 4, 1896, it was the culmination of almost half a century of effort by Utah statesmen and citizens. Accordingly, the state celebrated with parades, speeches, bells, choir performances, and other ceremonies. Many public, private, and religious buildings were decorated with bunting and flags, and many citizens showed their public spirit fervor by dressing in patriotic costumes and attending rallies and dances.

The Salt Lake Temple draped with the enormous 45-star flag that had hung in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Tabernacle during Statehood Day ceremonies. This photograph was taken in 1897, when the flag was moved to the Temple to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Latter-Day Saint migration to the area.
[George W. Reed photograph collection, P0184n01_05_60]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Tabernacle decorated for statehood celebrations.
[George D. Pyper photograph collection, P0001n1166]

The ZCMI Building, downtown Salt Lake City, decorated for Statehood Day.
[ZCMI photograph collection, P0507n01_01_10]

The Dinwoodey Furniture building, Salt Lake City, draped with bunting for Statehood.
[Dinwoodey Furniture Company photograph collection, P0273n02_01_051]

A Salt Lake City choir in the decorated Tabernacle.
[George D. Pyper photograph collection, P0001n1167]

Emma Lunt, "Diamond Jubillee Queen" riding in a barouche in Utah's celebration of its 50th anniversary. Photo by Desret News, used by Olive Woolley Burt in the book "How the Horse Helped Build America."
[Olive Woolley Burt photograph collection, P0244n1_17_0237]

The Utah Exhibit at the Nashville Exposition, 1896.
[George D. Pyper photograph collection, P0001n1175]
As Utah historian Dale Morgan noted, "men live rich and quiet lives outside the boiling currents of their times." In many parts of Utah, life had to go on the same as it had on January 3, 1896, and as it would on January 5th. Children had to attend school, railroads had to run, chores had to be done, business had to be conducted. This portion of the exhibit depicts daily life in Utah around the same time as the statehood celebrations.

Officers on the porch of their quarters at Fort Douglas (Salt Lake City), ca. 1888. Frederick Benteen is seated in the front row on the far right.
[Richard Whitehead Young photograph collection, P0104n1_01_01]

The living room of the Fort Douglas quarters shown above, 1896.
[Albert C. Allen photograph collection, P0345n044]

Salt Lake & Ogden Railroad station in Bountiful, 1895
[Bamberger family photograph collection, P0225n175]

Children in front of the Forest Dale School, Salt Lake City, 1896.
[George Albert Smith Family photograph collection, P0036n2732]

Native Americans gathered on the steps of the Salt Lake Theater.
[Native American photograph collection, P0064n01_21_122]

Preston Nutter, Utah Cattleman (right) on mule, 1893.
[Preston Nutter Corporation photograph collection, P0289n03_08_941]

Placer miners on the San Juan River near Mexican Hat, Utah, 1894.
[Dick Beck photograph collection, P0068n072]
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