An Excerpt from a Journey to Great-Salt-Lake-City in 1855

An Excerpt from a Journey, title page


This first book of the Red Butte Press was handset in Bembo and Goudy Open types and printed in an edition of 50 copies on an 1846 Columbian hand press and a Challenge cylinder press. The paper is Tovil, an English handmade, printed damp. The board papers are French Combed Marbled and the end sheets are Nideggen, a German moldmade. Photoengravings of early nineteenth century advertising art illustrate the text, and a reproduction of a daguerreotype of Bringham Young from the original French edition comprises the frontispiece. The book was hardbound in Van Heek Textiles imported from Holland.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to Dr. Everette L. Cooley and Margery Ward for their editorial work on the manuscript, and to the bookbinders of the Marriott Library preservation staff.

This publication was made possible through the generous contributions of Claudius Y. and Catherine B. Gates, Lewis and Dorothy Allen, and Helen Castleton.

page spread from "An Excerpt from a Journey"