Children of the Sun
The Children of the Sun: Myths of the Mandan and Minnetaree, excerpts from Prince Maximilian zu Wied's published account of his expedition to the Upper Missouri, was taken from the 1843 English edition of his Travels in the Interior of North America in the years 1832-34. This edition is part of the University of Utah Marriott Library's Maximilian-Bodmer collection, which also includes first editions of this text in German [1839] and French [1840-42], and the accompanying aquatint illustrations by Karl Bodmer.
This publication was handset in Bembo type by Lorraine Ferra and printed by Madelyn Garrett on an 1846 Columbian hand press. The text, designed by the printer and the typesetter, was printed damp on Rives Lightweight White paper. Rides BFK Gray was chosen for the cover paper. The original illustrations, adaptations of the traditional plains Indian pictographs, were designed by Lillebil Ohman. This publication was made possible through the generous contributions of Claudius Y. and Catherine B. Gates. 50 copies.